[[SandForge]] (the perfect canvas)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by BIGGnelson, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    They do go back into your budget, but not your OLN.

    For those that still don't understand. OLN is the maximum number of individual items you can have on a map. It's always there and has always been there. It's the thing that you hit on a budget glictched foundry map that keeps you from placing any more objects. It's also the same number of items on every map

    Now when making Sandbox with the bigger budget and building some test maps, bungie discovered that they were hitting the item limit earlier than they should have after starting with a blank map.

    This was because somewherein the programming for the map the default layout was permanently built into the OLN.

    Still don't understand, here's some simple math to explain it.

    You can place a maximum total of 100 items on a map. (no that's not the actual OLN number) Default set up has 25. Now you delete those 25 to start blank you can now only place 75 items.

    However if you had left them there, you would still only be able to place 75 extra items but you would have those original 25 to use as well.

    Wonder how this could be usefull to you?

    Well most default maps from bungie have been set up for every game type. Spawn points, respawn areas, objective points, things like that.

    Because it's all there already you can use the full remainder of your item limit to build geometry.

    LCU RAIN MAN Ancient
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    What is a canvas? im sorry but im new to forgehub, will this allow to make 50 warthogs? And what is OLN?

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