Nice, but it would have been better if you did it with MC on campaign. Do you remember how you did it?
This is a really cool screen shot it's funny. Yeah if you know how and can do it again do it at a really cool part, and maybe something with a cooler background, therefore a cooler screen shot.
i was playing custom games with my friend testing his map out and i noticed he died funny so i went into theater and it was like that im not sure on how to do it though
Dude the only thing that makes him look "gangsta "is his Anyways I would do is make it like a shot as if he were shivering. But I think it isn't good that much.Hey,you see that awsome one made in campaign.Cool.
ehm yellow isnt really a gang color i live in cali *stockton most crime rated city* and theres Crips= Blue not much in northern cali Bloods= Red not much in northern cali Nortenos= Red most in northern cali Surenos= blue in northern and southern