Is it possible?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A hobo, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Alright, I need to explain my idea first, then my question.

    I'm thinking of making an elevator map on sandbox, or foundry (doesn't really matter). I would like the humans be on an elevator, which goes up to a point, stops, then goes up again.

    My basic idea on how to do this is have the crates be launched up by grav-lifts ten seconds in, and then the humans get pushed up, like a normal elevator. There is a teleporter up top, and when the humans get there, they hold out, and then the elevator gets pushed by a custom powerup that spawns late, and it skips past the teleporter, and keeps going up. I would like to make that, but is it possible?
  2. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    If anyone doesn't understand my question, would it be possible to push a crate through the teleporter by putting custom powerups and pressure on it?
  3. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    I would just mess with grav-lift spawn times
  4. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Look up moonwaffle for a good elevator on foundry.
  5. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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  6. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Just read through that thread...the only problem with that is that the column isn't that big, which means you could fall off. It'd be better to have a specific elevator shaft (lol shaft) with an elevator. Plus, you could throw the gravlift wrong, and THEN where would you be? Flying out onto the dunes getting lazored.
  7. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    no that tech. is not possible, you may consider multiple elevators, or you could buil the elevator linked below and do it this way

    Forging it: build your first level with a spot that is preferably level to the ground when a collum is placed in it (the damaged movable one linked below of cource) then have a shaft directly above it larger than a collum with the multiple levels thing you wanted to do between gaps in the shaft. Before another level is reached place a coustom power up, active camo, overshield to were a collum will fit directly ontop of it and be level to the ground still.

    1. the pple will defend the first level then a grav lift will spawn. they will throw it on the designated collum spot.
    2. on of the ppl will then pick up a custom powerup or the such and the collum will be pushed above it then it will respawn and something will cause the grav lift to be destroyed or moved... best moved to the side.
    3. they will fight there and yet another grav will spawn wand they will throw it just as b4 and it will cont. on

    BTW: you need to have walls spawn to the point where the tele reaches so that it will push the column out far enough that the 2nd grav lift can push it to the next level


    EDIT: Also instead of having the grav lift blow up in can be stopped by a reciever and then walls will spawn to push it over so that it will loose the recvr. and cont up..


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