Intertwined Created by: vToastv Intertwined is a 2v2/1v1 map set for slayer, team slayer, and CTF. It's a small map, that's completely symmetrical ha. The break down of it's layout it's pretty much a figure eight. You know? Like those little toy race car tracks with the overpass bridge? Picture that... except there's a wall on the turns and on the overpass. And if you still don't get the concept look at this -> 8. WEAPONS 2 Battle Rifles 4 Plasma Grenades 2 Frag Grenades 2 Maulers 1 Rocket (No Clips/Extended Respawn) 2 Snipers (No Clips/Extended Respawn) 4 SMGs 2 Assult Rifles 2 Bubble Shields Alrighty... eh I guess I should get on with the pictures then? I only took pictures of one side since the bases are symmetrical, but don't worry. There's plenty, actually, I think there might be too many... The base, yes, I know, exciting huh? Here's the entrance to the base! The deadly dumpster. The entrance to the entrance of the base. Covered with a shield door for all your shielding needs on the left (if you couldn't tell it was a shield door for all you visually impaired) And just to the right of that is the exit into the "front yard" things of the bases. Then to the right of THAT is something I'll show you in the next picture. hah, tricked you. Here's another shot of the entrance to the entrance of the base. On the left is a window overlooking the opposing team's "front yard" thing. Alright, here's the gap and the main contact point for both teams/players. You can make it across if the grav line is present (which we'll get a better picture of in the next pic) Otherwise, you can fall into the electrical pit and be dead for a good "how ever long it takes when you fall to your death" seconds. Now, this is the grav line. Easily destructable, but useful when no ones around to stop you. The quickest route that leads you straight into the entrance of the opposing teams base. Aside from that, here's the "front yard" things (please someone tell me if things like this actually have a correct name like "porch", or er... "the hang out") The ramp at the top goes to the entrance of the base. You can kind of see it, but there's a little tunnel that goes under the electrical pit. We'll get back to that. Another view of the "the hang out" except with a lower perspective. The backside of the "the hang out" Notice the teleporter. This takes you straight back into the "the hang out's" corresponding base. Here we are looking out from one of the bases into the "the hang out" area. The tunnel that goes under the electrical pit, that's what this is a picture of... The ramp up to the base is also visible on the right side. EXTRA PICTURES [END OF OVERVIEW] Okay, so that's all the overview pictures. Testers blaxicanpapi801 RIDDLERLEE Your options: >>DOWNLOAD<< or Check out the Action shots ACTION SHOTS
woah... looks sweet man... i love how intricate everything is! i used that grav lift trick in one of my maps too! but i like how u made it as a destructible way to get to the enemy base quickly! 5/5!
i like how you made an alternate and changable way across. i seen the lift trick b4 but not in a way so unique. 4.5/5
This looks mindblowing. The whole layout is in sync with the aesthetics, and the whole map looks amazing. The layout is awesome. The interlocking is awesome, but what's with the teleporters? Oh well, the map is sweet. 9.5/10.
I hate how everyone judges by aesthetics... lol.. anyways I would love to play this map sometime... Toasty please contact me so we can get a group together... this looks like it has alot of potential.. and I want to see what it can do...
I believe the term your looking for, for "the hang out" is called a courtyard. lol. Anyway, the maps looks awesome. I can't judge it yet but I will give it a download and see how it plays out.
Looks pretty seksy (yea im so cool i spell it that way). Anyway, the aesthetics are good, except I'm not one for all the movable objects like cones and barrels, i dunno, just doesn't feel right to me. Gameplay looks like it has ALOT of potential, also, do you have to crawl in order to fit in the hallway with the dumpster, kinda looks like that to me 4.5/5
Thanks man, comment is much appreciated! Why thank you like above! comment appreciated! Thanks! The teleporters lead into the corresponding "courtyard's" ( Thanks Paperback Writer!) base. Haha, "but it can't be a good map with out good looks!!!" just kidding. But yeah, Ill hit you up some time! Is your GT the same as your name? Thanks for the correction! hehe, hopefully that's the right term. But I'll keep my "the hang out" for comedic purposes Thanks! hope to get some criticism! Are you now? So awesome that you can use seksy? hah. Well, I guess everyone has an eye for scenery! If it doesn't swing your way then it's alright hhehe. Oh and if you look in the action shot numero... 4? maybe? it shows a guy standing so that should answer your question!
yes, i am that cool, ehe jk, but thanks for the answer, and sorry, i must have missed that pic with the guy standing up
I like it. It is both aesthetically pleasing as well as giving the look of great gameplay! I especially like that Tele-pit! 5/5