This is defianetly the best race map i have ever seen, that spiral turn looks awesomey! The only thing i dont like os the start, maybe make it a bit prettier, only a suggestion though, Overall 4.999999999999999999999/5 (make better start then its 10/5
This is the first Sandbox map that has made me truly excited to download and play. I absolutely LOVED Rainbow Road, so I can't wait to test this one out.
Map Posting Rules Post titles must consist of the map name ONLY and no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting. I'm posting this in every racetrack that has "Sandbox" in it that is not part of its name. I believe it is unfair that my track should get less views because I followed the rules. I'm not trying to be mean, and I do not hate your track, and no offense, but I think this needs to stop. Sorry if I offended anyone. Sorry if this was retarded and I should get banned for it. I just wish for people to follow the rules. If that is such a bad thing, I will remove this post.
FINALLY! After all this waiting, I have just seen the first good map to come from sandbox yet. I mean, there are a lot of maps that are alright, but nothing has made me say WOW till just now. I was beginning to think sandbox was so perfect that people had forgotten to think out side the box and use forging techniques such as interlocking. I couldn't tell the good maps from the bad. Now i can. Now if we can only get a few mini games, and competitive maps that are as well of forged as this... EDIT: Yes i have seen all the staff members maps that have been posted. I didn't even download them.
Fine. Ignore me. I don't care. But I believe posting "Sandbox" in front of a name is against the rules. If you were supposed to, there would be a prefix for it.
I'm not ignoring you. I actually follow the rules (most of the time ). This post is not a good example though lol. I just thought it was funny coming from a Junior Member. I think it's a Mod's job to post that sort of information. Now, on topic: I just did a lap on this race track, and I loved it. The only thing I didn't really like is the tube lift that takes you up to another part of the track. I can imagine like a couple of racers getting jammed up into that tube. Overall, I give this a 4/5 for an excellent example of what Sandbox is capable of, good use of interlocking, and overall enjoyment.
Alright good to hear! I hope you enjoy it as much as me n my friends do. Yes I did think that as well about the starting line. It used to look much better, but I ran into the item limit so I had to remove unnecessary aesthetic touches. If I end up making a v2, that will definitely be considered though. Thanks for the criticism! And lol 4.999999999999999999999/5 to 10/5 because of a couple orbs n sturctures Thanks for the good review man. Don't worry I don't take it personally. I'll ask a mod and see what he/she (are there any she mods?) thinks about the subject. If he/she says remove it, then I will. Thanks for the notification though. Don't wanna get banned now do I? Wow man thanks a ton! I'm not gonna lie I figured the map would be liked, but I did not think people would be saying it's the first awesome map on Sandbox! Whether it's true or not, that's an awesome thing to be told so thanks a lot for that man I really do appreciate it. On an off note, I did like Element a lot (Competitive) if you haven't seen that one already you should check it out. It has really good aesthetics and is followed up with some good game play. My opinion though if you think otherwise, no harm done. Thanks for the review/constructive criticism. Yea as I said before the tube is the worst part of the track (Game Play Wise) - Aesthetically it's beautiful, but it doesn't always make you land upright. I haven't had any problems with the vehicles getting stuck so if you do end up running into that problem lemme know. I've played the track with a full amount (8) of people and we didn't get stuck so hopefully no one else does either. If I had to pick the biggest point of this map it would have to be fun so I'm glad you've found enjoyment in it.
Nice... The tunnel is like something from mario cart. Well the whole thing is. Could you do me a favor now you have sand box make another mario cart map. Im always looking for remakes but sadly none (except rainbow road)
No problem man, matter of fact I am trying to decide which one. Any choices? I think I might do the DK Mountain one from GameCube.
Wow, I'm quite impressed. This is actually a pretty close remake of Rainbow Road. It brings back some memories, I used to play Double Dash all the time before I got my 360. Anyways, enough reminiscing... This map looks very well constructed, lots of detail has been put into making this map. I especially like the red-blue transition on the lift, not a perfect rainbow effect, but I'd be damned to find one better. I'll queue it, and hopefully be able to race sometime in the near future.
Oh, yeah, I remember you and him were making a paintball map together when the cartographers were still together. It looked pretty good. Did you guys ever finish that map? Anyway, I DL'ed and its freakin amazing! couldn't be better. And If you don't like co-forging, maybe we can do some customs some time? PM me or something so it doesn't look like we're spamming your thread.
hey Doognit, this is Kyler why dont i of all people get a thanks, i was one of the people testing it with you
Awesome review man looks like you captured every feature of the map! I hope you enjoy the game play as much as the pics lemme know if ya wanna race a couple laps or so on it some time. Yea sorry about that man I kinda rushed the post so I didn't think thoroughly who helped test and help in general. So my bad about that, but you're in there now. Thanks for the testing! Also, for any people who are confused about the "prefix situation", I talked to a mod and he said they haven't updated the other categories to have prefixes yet. Therefore adding your own appropriate custom prefix is not against the rules.
Lololololol Yeah this map is garbage and you should just remake it................ Just kidding! No but seriously the map is really good except for the beggining cuz I always fall off ...
Doog Nit, Doog Nit, what to say? This is starting out just like your skate park and we all know how that ended The last 4 pages can be a great summary of what I have to say and I can't wait to play this. You managed to capture every good quality from Rainbow Road and apply it to Halo racing. Sure Sandbox will be the home of many great racing maps but this has definitely set the standard.
This looks really good. But I was just wondering if it could work on the official RACETRACKS Gametype.
Okay I played on this quite a bit more with a friend it was a ton of fun, he thought you done a great job, as do I, my favorite and what I think is best forged on the map is this: You done such a great job on this, it really looks like you have taken time, and worked on it, great job.
lol thanks man and yea I know that's why you don't try and play bumper cars at the beginning >=O lol Yes the ending was quite awesome to that map let's hope this one doesn't fall short of its popularity/success. I'm glad to hear you like it I remember you were a big motivator for my older maps. I can't wait to see what people make now that I've made this! Weird....................................................thanks for the + feedback lol. I think it would. You might have to change the score to 3 though so you don't have to go through the map like 9 times. Yea that along with the pipe are my favorite aesthetically pleasing aspects of the map. That's why I made it the first picture Glad to know you not only enjoyed the map, but spread the fun! Thanks for doing that and thanks for spending the time to post and acknowledge my map as one of the best in your opinion.