Mountain Ball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by time twister500, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
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    Hello again what i have made here is a game i call mountain ball, i made this map about a year ago with iley888 and we decided we liked grifball but we wanted to make it different and more compact so we give you the mountain arena;
    Basic shot of the map
    Bomb Spawn point
    bomb arm point at the back of each of the bases
    inside one of the spawning areas
    jst incase you spawn out side the map go to one of these teleporters located hear which take you here
    inside is...

    So theres the map which can be downloaded from here Halo 3 File Details

    And mountain ball the gametype can be downloaded fom here
    Halo 3 File Details

    also an extra gametype which is pretty fun on this map is mountian hill here is the game type Halo 3 File Details

    have fun from time twister500 and iley888
  2. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im sorry i know it double posted it messed up and posted its self twice anyway of deleating this one
  3. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a very nice idea of combining grifball and mountain climbing?
    I like what you said before about making it more compact.

    Good idea.So this is a very good map and I want you
    to keep it up or as I say Keep Forgin.
  4. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks alot will do me and iley888 making a remake of it on sandbox so it should be alot better then this.
  5. Clan-Dem

    Clan-Dem Ancient
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    I would love to play this map and see what its like to play an inclined game of grifball (my friends probably would get MeGa Mad at me because of my mad grifball skills LoL)Nice job on the map to i can see your an exallent forger
  6. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    looks very unique. However, I would remove the section under the rest as shown in the 4th picture, as well as removing items like pallets. Also in order for Griffball to actually be Griff ball (or mountain ball) you need much more interlocking on top of that, and it needs to be neat. Also there should be no need for cases where players spawn outside.
    And although it seems im flaming a bit here, I actually like the idea of this map, alot. So just keep with it, put in a couple of remakes,see how you do.
  7. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    i like the idea, looks like it would take some stradegy to win.
    But a little tip, to focus more on the main part of the map, id delete al the stuff on the outside, and make it were it has to take place in the mountain area.

    EDIT: My bad, i must of read over it to fast, and saw what the outside was used for.

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