Sandbox CTF - Face ][

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by sgtelzilcho, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. sgtelzilcho

    sgtelzilcho Ancient
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    CTF - Face ][

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    Created By Sgt El Zilcho

    4 - 10 Players Recomended

    1-16 Supported

    This is a small symmetrical CTF map based on the map Face ][ from Unreal Tournament, it is best played with CTF but it can also be played with Slayer. The story so far... it was built as an observation deck by the brutes to scan the sands below. but the activity disappeared and soon so did the brutes. Now it is used as a battle arena for the spartan recruits, but be careful or you may very well fall off.

    The map from the side

    The map from red base

    The map from blue base

    The red base sniper tower (same as blue base)​

    The red flag spawn​

    The Overshield​

    The first floor​

    The second floor and rocket spawn​

    Weapon List

    4 Assault Rifles
    4 Battle Rifles
    2 Rocket Launchers
    4 Sniper Rifles​

    Constructive critisism welcome.​

    Gamertag: Sgt El Zilcho
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  2. JakeyFreeHa

    JakeyFreeHa Ancient
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    I think that this is way to simple and even though its a remake of an unreal tournament map it brings nothing special to the table, there is almost next to none cover and most of the battling would take place at the bases. i don't see anybody being daring enough to run on the two skiny bridges in the middle with no cover... 2/5
  3. sgtelzilcho

    sgtelzilcho Ancient
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    the bases are made out of walls with holes in they are all the cover you need I tested it and it seemed to play fine
  4. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    Not all maps from other games are really fit to be remade in Halo 3; the map is forged well but the gameplay doesn't really pique my interest, so I'm going to pass on this one.
  5. UNSC Warden

    UNSC Warden Ancient
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    nice idea, but maybe some mongooses or ghosts and improved weapon placement and choice. and a tad more cover.
    Edit: Also the sniper tower, don't have the sniper in it, have it in the base and also make the tower a tower!!! put a block under it or something, so it looks supported. it has potential
  6. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Sorry, quite frankly, this looks really sloppy and lazily done, alittle too simple also. I understand the gameplay might be fun, but from the pics, this looks alittle dull, and open. Add more structure! you have sooo much room on Sandbox, might as well use at least a quarter of it :)

  7. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    i think what he ment was that there isnt anycover in the middle... this maps to simple and from reading the post theres appearently 4 snipers and two rockets.... the over shield isnt worth running for ... and btw. way to may teleporters ... consider ramps.
  8. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    yes make the sniper tower look realistic when the entire map is floating .... id like to suggest somthing like this to have more duel wielded weapons on it
  9. Dingos R Frisky

    Dingos R Frisky Ancient
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    Ack, I love that you tried to bring a taste of Unreal to Halo, but the fact of the matter is... Unreal Tournament combat is far too different from Halo, where the prior requires little or no cover and the former requires heavy cover, 'else it's just a blood bath. As fun as that sounds, constantly dying in Halo is not the greatest passtime. It could make a great team snipers match if it were extended a bit, but as it stands I don't think this will work with the Halo style. Looks decently forged though, keep playing around with Sandbox (That's what I would do if I had it :p). See what works.
  10. sgtelzilcho

    sgtelzilcho Ancient
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    if you turn up the player speed and lower the gravity it plays much better also give the map a go it would only take 5 mins and might change your opinion of it
  11. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Remakes are all the rage nowadays, aren't they?

    Anyway, it seems that we now have two Unreal Tournament remakes on Sandbox....and surprisingly, they are of the same map! (pretty much)

    Unfortunately, the previous remake was much larger, and captured the feel of Facing Worlds much better than this does.

    There just isn't enough going on for the map, and the fact that it's only 3 walls width (1 on the paths to each base), means players will be very likely to fall of.

    There seems to be too many power weapons on the map as well, as you have 2 rocket launchers and 4 sniper rifles, as well as an overshield. Unfortunately, the map is just too small to house all this power comfortably, so things might get a little out of hand.

    I would suggest making a v2 with a larger play area, more detailed bases, and less power weapons....maybe even add vehicles! But unfortunately, the map as it is now, just can't compare to the Facing Worlds remake we already have... =(

    Good Luck with the V2 (if you make it),

    ~The Cheat~
  12. sgtelzilcho

    sgtelzilcho Ancient
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    yea but that is of facing worlds this is of Face ][ the more mechanised of the two it was also alot smaller and the weapon placement is true to the ut map, and no offense to you personally but have you played it yet, you can deem very little from pictures.
  13. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    I actually like this.Dude next to Doog Nit's Rainbow Road remake from Mario Kart this is pretty nice.Okay so nice map dude.
    I like the way you put those barricades in that one spot on each base's top or roof.Nice dude.
  14. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Argh Blargh this is not good. I could probably put this together in about and hour and have it be cleaner. There's no originality here except for the slanted walls which doesn't make up for the rest of the flaws on the map. Very simple concept. Make it larger and put some more thought into it. Could be a lot better.
  15. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    It is extremely simple, as well as it would be overcrowded with both players and is power weapons. The teleporter idea was a little iffy, and isn't to pleasurable, in fact its probably a little aggravating, and this map is extremely simple. At least put some though into it as well as
    A: A better layout, and
    B: aesthetics
  16. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Like many other people have said, some remakes don't transfer well from game to game. Whilst having lots of Rocket Launchers and Sniper Rifles may be okay in Unreal Tournament, it's not in Halo.

    The map is just too small for the number of power weapons on it, and the size of the bridges are very small, which means players may have the tendency to fall.

    Your right, I didn't play it, mainly because I don't have an Xbox right now. However, I know a thing or two about making a map, and sometimes you have to sacrifice things (such as the fact it is almost an exact remake) for things such as good gameplay.
  17. sgtelzilcho

    sgtelzilcho Ancient
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  18. Dingos R Frisky

    Dingos R Frisky Ancient
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    You should also account for things like gravity differences between the two; Halo 3's rockets can fling you off a too-narrow walkway (that and jumping to dodge is a PAIN :p) where UT's would only move you an in-game foot at most.
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I have to say that I'm really impressed with the comments on this. I hope you can take the criticism (without taking it personally) and use it to improve either this or future maps.

    One of the big problems with creating a map based on another game is that Halo differs in playstyle so dramatically from any other FPS that is out. Halo is slower paced and has a ton of verticality to it, and games like UT3 and Quake rely on speed to make it harder to hit your opponent. The key to a successful remake of another FPS game is really consider how it could fit well with Halo's playstyle. And when taking that into consideration, you really can't make a flat out remake without making a crazy custom gametype to go along with it, and even then it usually doesn't work enough for people to want to continually play it.

    My recommendation would be to take the concept and tweak it more to fit the world of Halo instead of just attempting a simple remake.
  20. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    In my opinion, this map looks very bare. It has no central cover, so whoever has the Sniper Rifle wins. If you wanted to make it better, you could have made the "Sniper Towers" actually towers, and you could have added some obstructions on the Bridges for cover. It looks like a nice idea, just executes poorly. 3/5

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