I would like some help with a couple of things. First, some general knowledge about GIMP. The best graphic I have ever made is in my sig and it uses only basic techniques and isn't very good. Sigs, however, are not the main reason I want help. I am currently trying to make a banner for a new site that is to be 1000 x 180 pixels. I want it to have a forge monitor in it and I want it to be more of a metallic kind of look. Problem is I have no idea how to do this. I want it to look really good as it is for a website but I really don't think I have enough tallent ATM to make on that is sufficient. I would like a teacher who is good with banners and can help me with making the render (forge monitor) fit better into the background more smoothly. I have skype or we could pm. Thank you. P.S. The banners I made as attempts are here
Hey, I'd love help making sigs in general, like the two I have right now, and other styles and learning different techniques. I use GIMP and I don't think I really need a specific teacher I can even get photoshop if I have to but I'd prefer to use GIMP
Vortex Tutorial Vortex Photoshop Introduction: Light vortex's are a great way to make your sig look cool. They pretty much look cool by themselves, which is why you can use them for a ton of different things. They can be all different shapes, sizes, textures, whatever. I haven't seen them on many websites but they are generally easy to make. I Know you can use them for some pretty cool effects. When to Use Them I don't use them often but they are cool to use and can come in handy if you need them. I usually use them on sigs that are pretty dark because they stand out judging by which color you use. Examples of light vortex's Spoiler: Spoiler And a sig that could be used Where? As you can see, i usually place them on the sides of the sig. One thing you should try to stay away from is cluttering. Try not to place them all over the sig, or an important section of the render/stock unless you make it work, it detracts from the flow, and just looks stupid. HOW!? Spoiler Start off by making a nice black to white gradient. Next choose Filter > Distort > Wave and use the following settings, or choose some of your own to get a unique effect. Next choose Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates, and use the default settings. Duplicate your current layer, and rotate is 90 degrees. To do this choose Edit > Transform > Rotate 90 degrees. Next change the layer mode to "Overlay" While your still on this second layer we are going to add one more filter. Choose Filter > Distort > Twirl. Your should have a pretty interesting design going by now, if you want to give some color to it make a new layer and change the layer mode to "color." I added a purple - blue gradient. This is looking fairly interesting, but I'm going for more of a "vortex" feel, so lets add some depth. Once you have colored your image flatten all the layers. To do this choose Layer > Flatten Image. Now go to Filter >Distort > Pinch. Now you are done. You can do many different things to change the vortex. Just mess with the settings. You can also texture it by sticking in a filter or something else when you have your first gradient on a white background.
I want to learn the GIMP.Can you please contact Lockdown for me. And can you please make the tuturials quite simple but cool,like not all smiffy and hi-tech like please please.
LOCKdownN has been getting too many requests lately. He might be already handling someone. Unless you want help now, I suggest you wait.
It is simple, it tells you what to do, you don't have to know anything, thats what tutorials are for. Photoshop d00d
I'd like to sign up to help. I like helping people get better. I use CS4, contact by Skype or MSN. I do signatures mostly, sometimes some backgrounds and vectors, but not often. I do anything really, people, games, anime, inanimate, etc. I work with stocks mostly, although I have experience with renders. If you need anymore info, just say so.
What do you mean I'm up? I was just added and I'm sorry, but I'm currently schooling someone who came to me for help.