Debate Noob Tricks or Legit Tactics?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by phantomfrost08, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    I will now explain all of these problems in my own opinion.

    -Camping Me personally, depending on the situation I will camp with either a shotgun or mauler (preferably mauler). What would truly be "noobish" is if the "camper" would "camp" in one spot the whole just chilling there waiting for someone to finally come.

    -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking) In other words, "Kill stealing". If ithis is done on accedent then deal with it like I said it was an accedent. If it is done on purpose then there is really nothing you can do. Just positivly think "At least were winning".

    -Hording power weapons I don't think that this is noobish at all. Usually people complain when they get "owned" by a shotty around the corner or sumthing. But what if you had the shotgun? Would you use it to get the kill that could possibly be the outcome of the game? "No! I'm not a NOOB!". Wrong! I bet you my gametag that you would definatly use that shotgun if you had it on you. I know i would. Same goes for any other "power weapon". But don't use them so much to the point you literally stand looking at the spawn point where its gonna respawn to use it again.

    -plasma pistol combo (noob combo) Once again not a "Noob Combo" but in my opinion a whise strategy that we Halo players brought along with us from Halo 2.

    -Grenade spamming Got the grenades for it? Then do it. Perferably in a spot where people might be camping or about to come out of so you can easly take out your BR and pop him/her in the head. Easy kill right? Just try not to randomly throw them, same them for later unless you can pick up more on the way.

    -Using the needler Refer back to my shotty arguement. If you got it, use it. For example, the other day I had needler and beam rifle on Snowbound. One guy came at, shot him, BOOM! dead, 2nd guy to my left, shoot him, BOOM! Double Kill!, I turn around and see a 3rd person from a distance, take out my sniper and BOOM! Headshot! for the triple kill.

    Hopefully you guys take the time to read this.
  2. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    First off, you're basically asking what is fair or not. If it's fair it would be a Legit Tactic. If it's not fair, it would be a Noob Trick.

    -Camping. Legit tactic. Why is this used so much? Because people charge so much. And if they already know where someone is, they go to that person. That is why Camping is so easy. If you don't wanna get camped go somewhere else. That means one less person on their team helping. Now if they have a long range to shoot from where they are standing, that is called setting up. Then you gotta learn advanced tactics.

    -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking) I'm confused. How does that help? It would just take longer to kill that person.

    -Hording power weapons. Legit Tactics. I mean, how could you encourage people to go places in the map without power weapons? Weapon placement should be fair anyways.

    -plasma pistol combo (noob combo). Noob Tactics. With team shooting this can get VERY annoying.

    -Grenade spamming. Noob Tactics. You basically create a wall this way. But please tell me where they get the grenades from. I had a guy who threw 6 grenades around a corner.

    -Using the needler NOOOOB Tactics. If you're not close to cover, you're dead. No exceptions.
  3. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    -Hording power weapons.

    -plasma pistol combo (noob combo).

    -Grenade spamming.

    -Using the needler

    those should not be in this thread as they are all not included in the topic.
    they are weapons. what is wrong with that?

    the others are just tactics, and They have ways of stopping them, people always complain about them because they never try to prevent it and incorporate it into their strategy.
  4. acex777

    acex777 Ancient
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    camping is not noobish camping is tactics. waiting for your enemy to come to you and jump out kill them. its funny people get mad when all you do on Valhalla is stay in the back with a sniper and pick people off moving from spot to spot. its stupid snipers are supposed to camp its what they do. and if you cant force someone out of there camping spot or camp then you my friend are the noob

    the noob combo ill give you that one but constantly throwing grenades is just another tactic it forces you and your opponents into a stail mate allowing your team to grab those rockets and flank

    the needler is funny just serphatine back and forth back and froth easy dodge
  5. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    well camping is a bit noobish but sometimes even the pros camp so...
    -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking)
    NoW that is noobish its like someone kicks a football into a goal but a teammate just taps it in at the last second
    -Hording power weapons.
    i think its just making use of whats around you for the best effect

    -plasma pistol combo (noob combo).
    i hate this gun i hate the combo even more its just a nooby autokill
    -Grenade spamming.
    if you just mean lashing as many genades as you can into a room NOOB
    -Using the needler
    i dont think the needler is nooby i think the guy who programed the needler is a noob
  6. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    The only tactic i truly have a problem with is hording all the power weapons. Personally, i like to use weapons other than power weapons; in fact i usually just stick with BR or AR. I absolutely hate it when the other team is winning only because they control the power weapons because i feel that there isn't much skill involved. That's why i prefer to play team SWAT or team snipers, and games like that that are pretty balanced weapon wise.
  7. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    -Camping: Camping is not nooby. The reason people even call someone a newb is because they are mad that they are getting beat. Taking advantage of any of your surrounding should not be considered noob tactics. And taking advantage of that nearby sniper and sniper tower is just smart.

    -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking):Also not really that bad. I love the metaphor of the person above me. Halo is a competitive game. I think that if you are talking about FFA it is different because you are only trying to get kills. This is not so big in halo. Try playing GOW and every time you kill somebody you "stole" their kill.

    -Hording power weapons: How is this a noob tactic. If you are already carrying a shotgun and you happen to see a rocket launcher right by you wouldn't you trade it in for your crappy magnum. If you are taking the weapons away from a teamate then it is "slightly" noobish.

    -plasma pistol combo (noob combo): This is a completely fair tactic. You are taking advantage of your equiptment to beat your opponents. If you were in the Vietnam war you wouldn't care about how he threw a flashbang at you and then shot you. Whatever you have to do to prevail is nessacary.

    -Grenade spamming: If you have grenades then use them. It is not noobish as you can o the same thing. Even MLG pros throw frags around corners because there might be an enemy behind them. As long as you are throwing them in a tactiacal mannar then it is okay. If you are not it is okay as they are just wasting their grenades.

    -Using the needler: You were given the needler for one soul porpuse. And it is for killing people with it. The only reason it is stronger than other guns is to make halo more exciting. If you think that using a needler is nooby then keep it to yourself and don't critisize other peoples play style.

    The real noobs:
    ~Players who T-bag and make fun of you.
    ~people who call you a noob for using the needler.
  8. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    yea noone of them are noobish accept the needler one.I hate the needler and it doesn't need to be on the game. It is stupid and you don't even have a chance against it.
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Bias. What else don't you like about the game? I don't like Elites in Swat, should we ban elites from accessing Team Swat?

    This is what all of your arguments lead down to. Its a Public game. Not elitist. We all play it, we all love something, we all hate something. If we were to act on everything we dislike how do you think the game would turn out? Furthermore, what is morally 'fair' in a video game? There is no golden rule, not 10 commandments. Something I do see, is a balanced game. How do I make the assumption it is balanced you ask? The answer is why we still play it today. Halo 3 is a game with a complex multiplayer. To far complex for me to analyze, and even begin to explain. But from my observations, we all can agree that at one point we do enjoy the game. While it has its anomalies, flaws, abnormalities, and insectivores, it also has its enjoyment, entertainment, flow, balance, and many more adjectives.

    Which leads me to say, there is nothing to debate here. It is all opinion, and that is all it ever will be.
  10. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Yes very good point. i was just basically saying that i didn't like,i don't really want it out of the game because everything on halo has to be there or it just wouldn't be the same,lol

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    The first two are nooby, but using power weapons isn't wrong at all. The plasma pistol can be nooby, but generally it's an OK combo.

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with the needler. They are completely balanced.
  12. Snipermaster

    Snipermaster Ancient
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    My Opinion

    -Camping - It's fine and easy to counter.

    -Janitoring - Good in Team Playlists, not good in FFA.

    -Hording power weapons - It's your fault you didn't get any power weapons in the beginning.

    -Plasma pistol combo - You could have killed them by the time they shot you with the plasma pistol and pulled out their BR.

    -Grenade spamming - You can run away. If you're stuck in a corner and they are throwing grenades, it's your fault you got stuck.

    -Using the needler - I don't know why everyone complains. It's easy to dodge. It's also a very good weapon for taking out snipers that don't see you.

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    all except janitoring and plasma pitol combo are noobish.

    janitoring is teamwork
    the plasma pistol combo is sooo bad now that if you can do it then your awsome.

    camping is NOOBISH. this is used by people who can't get into firefights and lets people come to them. those are the people who also ***** the power weapon. they have little skill and say its tactical. thats why computer games have camping busters. wich remove those who are is the same place for more then a minute.

    Power weapons. you a noob. sounds famillar in blackout sword and shotgun are gone. you take snipe go under in middle and lost everythig by a shotguner and sword guy
    PIT. walk to get mauler and go past sword room. you explode. while a sword guy with camo is t-baging you and the rocket-overshield guys is reloading. rockets take skill you have to aim 10 feet away from you target. and if you miss ill take out my sword while you have you gay assult rifle.

    Needler and grenade spamming are split. call of duty 4 grenade spamming is noobish. accidently sticking someone is okay as long as you say it was luck not skill YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! Needler. its kay take it or leave it. i wouldn't even say its noobish. if you get killed by it by everyone then instead of walking in a straight line maybe if you'd chang it up then you won't

    IDEA run in zig zag
  14. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    ^completely agree^

    i dont think weapon whoring is that noobish, as long as it isn't combined with camping. if someone has rockets, and is sitting around a corner waiting for u, thats n00b. but if they have the sniper and are ligitimately running around the map no-scoping people, thats skill.
  15. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    You speak the horrible truth. I will find out how they do it one day. lol.

    As many have said, Bungie had tested this game inside and out before they put it on the market, Camping can not be taken out of any multiplayer aspect unless there is absolutely no cover.

    As for the others they are not noob "tricks" they are just effective ways of killing players that more experienced players apparently shy away from.

    The only one I do not like is, as Sweeney said, Grenade Spamming. I just don't see how or why. If you have sticks I could understand, but some people will just throw everything at you.....EVERYTHING! Plasma's, Frag's Spikes, Flame, and then they'll get you with an equipment if they're desperate. It's just annoying. lol.
  16. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    On halo this sort of stuff doesn't seem annoying.

    On GoW, however. It's unbearable.

    But then again nearly every GoW weapon is an annoying weapon in some way.
    lancer - chainsaw
    shotgun - hit/shoot tactic
    grenades - proximity mines (why did they add this in!?)
    boomshot - over fast reload for rocket launcher
    torque bow - 1 second of "oh **** not again"
    mortars - nnyyyeaaaahhhh dead

    and all the rest tend to be okay...
  17. zone sama

    zone sama Ancient
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    the plasma pistol combo is really a legit tactic.... the others, thats up for debate.
  18. Ian 130

    Ian 130 Ancient
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    camping. camping is horrible and noobish in every game. you might as well not play the game if your gunna camp. and yes camping with a sniper is the same as camping. its not sniping. sniping is taking one or two shots in a spot then move on to the next spot
  19. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    The only thing you listed that in my mind is noobish is grenade spamming. Halo 3 is a First-Person SHOOTER not a first person grenadeir. Honestly, at least half of the people in Halo, the first thing they do when they see someone is chuck a grenade. Not shoot you. I haven't had a good BR battle in IDK how long.
  20. Merrifield69

    Merrifield69 Ancient
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    -Camping. Actually if you DON'T have controll over the power weapons I do this in mostly ranked gametypes just to win. To make them come to you gives you an advantage.

    -Janitoring (Waiting until people's shields are low before attacking) I never herd of this, and it sounds really nooby.

    -Hording power weapons. Why wouldent you?

    -plasma pistol combo (noob combo). It's simple stuff, if the plasma pistol couldent take the shield down instantly, why would it be in halo?

    -Grenade spamming. I consider this as kinda nooby, use them when you have to or know it will have an effect. Not just randomly through a door or something.

    -Using the needler Whats wrong with this? It's a weapon, when you need to use it, use it!

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