it will be everywhere, yes. we know. I have 3 out of 4 of the achievements towards it already. It will eventually die down, just like all of the other armor. You'll get sick of seeing it, and so will everyone else. Eventually, people will just put on armor they want. The end.
I agree partially with most of you, Recon would be cool to unlock and it would certainly knock off all those "if you dl and send this to all your friends" screenshots. But you also need to consider people who already have it. Think about it. They have spent their long, boring, lifeless days making amazing videos etc., and the one important thing they get that they brag to all their friends about, has its speciality taken away. It would piss you off too?
The people who have Recon already won't be too disappointed - they've had it for a while and still have it until Fall 2009. Even they, after a while will get sick of Recon. Liie Matty and others have already said, it's a good marketing scheme for Halo 3: Recon, as more people will want to buy it. Apparently in the Halo 3: Recon game, there are another 3 Vidmasters to get and chances are, they won't be easy. So to say if you already (like me) have the first 3, you still have to get the one when all the Mythic maps come out and in Halo 3: Recon. Good move by Bungie, money is good
They might be in a year though... Anyway, I couldn't really care less - if some kids at Bungie want to moan about it being given out freely after begging for it, I just lol.
I doubt they'll get sick of it till the release of Recon. This is just Bungie sacrificing long-term gains for short-term gains and a ton of money. Though, its not their fault, its their publishers.
it really saddens me that there just using recon armor to sell the expansion. probably over half the ppl that will buy h3 recon wont even give a crap about the game and just unlock the armor.
I also agree revolting because than when people get every little kid on Live is gonna LOOK AT ME I HAZ RECON LOOK AT ME! its gonna be soo annoying
my personal prediction is that it will run the course of teh hayabusa armor, nubs will be raving about it for a month and then noone will give a ****.
Who frekin cares. Its just a armor peice for a damn game. None of them have no life for this stuff. But to get it off of Bungie's back, they should just release it.
Even if I DO get recon, I'll still play as an Elite. I mean, it doesn't even LOOK that cool. Its just a symbol, a symbol of doing something respectable for the Halo community. Of course, everyone thinks they've done something special, they're a precious little snowflake, why come they gets no cool armorz? Eh. Its overblown.
^good point^ i do think its an injustice to those who HAVE done something noticable to the community though.
Personally, i have played with all armor variants, i loved hayabusa because i felt proud of my achievement, then after about a few weeks i didn't have the hype anymore, now my halo 3 disc is scratched and my armor was deleted, no other armor (including hayabusa, i got it again) feels like me (except for ODST), so now i either wear elite armor or ODST (depending on the gametype). I'll love Recon, but it'll die down.
i think its good. honestly, i dont see why people give a **** if its "not speshalz" anymore. bungie will reward people for acheivements in other ways. i'll definitely be sticking with my ODST helmet, but i might use the sholders or chest. [cough] elites are terrible [/cough]
dont we all get it with halo 3 odst? whats the point of unlockable armor that we all get in 6 months?
Halo 3 ODST comes with the final set of vidmaster achievements needed to unlock recon. The only way to unlock recon is to get ODST but buying it doesn't automatically give you it.
That's what i like about it, but what they should've done is make one SUPER hard achievement to get, then it would've been awesome... like splattering 20,000 grunts in the whole of campaign... lol
that would take like months of only playing campaign though....but it would be kinda fun. how about you have to kill every single flood in the level Halo, including the ones at the end. that means you would have to have like 4 people in 2 hogs all unleashing hell.
Bad idea, but it'll keep the noobs quiet. I've vowed that I'll never wear it, but I'll still unlock it for lulz.