It is replacing Team Hardcore with all of the current MLG settings. The competitive gamer part of me is pumped for this. MLG in Matchmaking
I have been trying to get better at it. The only hard part is getting used to no radar because I use the radar to my advantage a lot. Due to the fact that it is mainly just BRing with the occasional Mauler, rockets, or sniper, I might be able to get my lvl 50 finally.
u definitely wont get lvl 50 in this because this will be the pros warmup and once u get to a higher lvl ur going to be destroyed. also no radar is fun cause u can sneakup on people without them noing. ur going to have to be able to win a br battle cause that really determines how good ull be.
I realize that I am going to have to win a BR dual. It is my best weapon, and I rarely lose duals. I am almost a 50 in team slayer, but I can't get it because of crap gametypes like normal team slayer on Guardian where it takes no skill. Do you realize how many pro's there are compared to the whole Halo community? I might get match with one every 100th game, but I will pay the same skill players as I would in team slayer, run of the mill Halo players.
i played and like mlg settings but i dont believe it should be on a SPORTS channel because playing videogames nonstop does not deserve the same fame as a person conditioning daily. but i didnt say i was against the playlist ideal, does feel like they r controlling bungie though
I watched u 1v1 Robbo, and you play like an MLG player. You will own those wannabee's when it comes out.
Guys, this obviously isn't monkey see then monkey do. Obviously if these 'pros' are getting paid thousands of dollars to play then they have to be doing something special.
I don't feel they are controlling Bungie. They have a large community, so if Bungie wants to keep happy customers, they have to accommodate the thousands of MLGers out there. They tried with Team Hardcore, but it failed. I find the ESPN thing kind of funny, and they have the top plays like in sports. [youtube][/youtube] I feel the same way about Pro gaming because if anyone plays enough, they can become a pro gamer. Sports isn't exactly the same.
It's really a dream come true for MLG and a lot of others who wanted to see (like me) Video Games in ESPN. Texas, your comment on just practicing to become pro isn't exactly accurate. I know plenty of guys who practice every day and aren't up to the level they need to be to be pro. It takes more than you being good. It takes working as a team, knowing people who are dedicated to going to event and a lot of other things. Along with, some people are just naturally better at Halo than others. Even in football, you could practice every day, be the best player in the history of the game but if you aren't on the right team and no one (scouts) don't see you, you can't go pro. For anything that you can go pro at, it's more than just being good, its about who you know and how you manage your resources. Granted, how good you are individually is important but some players are better in a team than by themselves. The only difference between the NBA, NFL, MLB, and MLG is that MLG players aren't necessarily doing physical activity. Other than that, it all takes the same heart and determination it takes to get into the NBA, NFL, or MLB.
What you say is true to a certain extent. But, if you think gaming takes nearly the same "given ability" as a pro sport, you are mistaken. There is minimal natural talent at a certain genre of games. Like you said, you have to be determined to go to events and work with teammates. All it really takes is tons of practice (Tsquared wasn't very good at the start of his career), good reflexes (in your prime 18 to like mid 20's), and a group of buddies you play with non stop and have the same determination. Once you play enough, you learn the spawns and the "callouts." I am happy gaming is making such leap and bounds, but it doesn't deserve to be in the same class as sports. I don't know why anyone would put so much time forward to become a pro gamer when the very best don't make much money at all. The time when a hobby (gaming) becomes a profession is never good, and you will lose interest in the hobby eventually. Can you imagine gaming over like 2 hours every day. I would lose interest in the game so quickly.
I don't understand how pro gamers cash bigger checks than my father and mother (who are both Registered Nurses for NYS) do.
Yes that is true. You can practice to get that good, like TSquared did and there are those, like Walsy and the Ogre's that are just naturally good at FPS. Either way will get you a contract and money. You don't HAVE to have given talent to become pro, it just makes it easier. On the subject on whether or not to call playinig video games a sport, if you can call fishing a sport you can call video games a sport.
Videogames can never be considered a sport. Videogames are nothing, but games. Leave it at that. Theres a pretty defined line between Athletes and Videogame Players.
fishing is a sport depending was town u live in "10-30 cars all breaking the sound barrier in 6 in the morning to get to thier boats to go to 15-70 in 10 second and all drunk, THAT is a sport"