MORE proof that cottonball = sidewinder

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Willmatic, Mar 14, 2008.

  1. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    This map is going to be Sidewinder, but a guy on MLG has a lot of evidence that the other could be Lockout. Most likely not but it is a though.

  2. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
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    I haven't played Halo 2 in so long, I've forgotten these maps.

    Sidewinder was the really really really big one with the two bases with giant gates and snow?

    If so, what was containment?
  3. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    your thinking of containment, sidewinder was in Halo: CE and was arguably the largest halo map to date.
  4. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    2. I don't remember hearing them say that about cottonball.
    3. No clue what that is
    4. They definatly said that the map was BIG, "just the kind for the big stalled out CTF games".

    And also, that link doesn't bring to any where releveant to Halo.
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    First, please don't quote pics. It's annoying.

    Second, I'm like 99.9% sure that it's a Sidewinder remake. They've said in past Weekly Updates that one of the maps from the next DLC is a remake of a 'Halo' favorite, which could refer to Halo 1 or just Halo in general. And they've already remade all the maps that deserve to be remade (and some that haven't), except Sidewinder and Damnation.

    They've said that it is good for large games of CTF, but there are still options for people on foot if the enemy gets the flag in a vehicle. If you remember, Sidewinder had tunnels and an outside shortcut around the horseshoe.

    Sidewinder is snowy, those pics are "chill." (Yes Wakko, puns rock!)

    I'll bet my Guilder status that it's Sidewinder, if someone who disagrees can come up with a comparable thing to wager.
  6. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Why does everyone want it to be a remake of Sidewinder? I would much rather have them make a completely new map, but have it based by Sidewinder.

    I don't want to play on old maps that we have played on tons of times, even if they were good.
  7. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Well said Other Dark
  8. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
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    I never actually liked Sidewinder at all. it was too big and getting to the other side took forever. Then you die and restart your journey... Containment was good but I doubt Cottonbvall will be like any of those. It's Halo 3, not Halo 2/1...
    I like snow

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    wern't all those in reference to moonlight sonata?
  10. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    I don't think that Containment deserves to be remade, coag has been 'reimagined' by Valhalla, and sidewinder is uber winsauce. I bet my CENSORED along with Furious' guilder status to go for Sidewinder. And then I will beat all the naysayers to death with there own skulls, as physically impossible as that may seem.
  11. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Yes, that was the point. I was saying that I know it was going to be sidewinder or a big snowy map, but I thought it was interesting how the other one could be a lockout remake. Also, I realized the link didn't work, but I just wanted to bring an interesting idea to the table. I didn't want to take credit for the idea, so I linked it to the MLG post which had a messed up link.
  12. Day0fJustice

    Day0fJustice Ancient
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    i just hope if its sidewinder, it has 4 legs instead of just 2.
  13. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    the hornet really doesnt look that different and it kind of sucks without missles just like the banshee sucked without fuel rod in halo 2 but the scorpion looks better in its snowy form in my opion. Any remake would be good as long as its large.
  14. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Are you seriously?
    The missiles have been removed for balance. Have you ever been on the ground, just you vs a hornet? You get owned. Even in like a warthog, consistently owned. The reason it isn't default on any maps is because of the fact that it's primary and secondary weapons are both godbeams.
    The fact that the ownage was removed makes it possible to use on a multiplayer map balanced to not dominate, and it will encourage the use of the side seats much more :D.
  15. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Guys you all got it wrong. Prepare to see this topic die a fiery death..

    1. All of your above ^ statements refer to "moonbase alpha", not Cottonball.

    Moonbase Alpha is the relatively small map that is thought to be a remake of Lockout, which it isnt.

    Cottonball is thought to be a remake of Sidewinder, which it isnt.

    Heres why:

    Bungie already stated that Cottonball is the biggest map they have made, not on halo 3, but on all the halo's.

    How can cottonball be sidewinder when there are atleast 5 maps bigger than it. Waterworks, Containment, Valhalla, Santrap to name a few.

    Also. Bungie have already stated that the Legendary map pack will not have remakes

    Also, Sidewinder didnt play good online at all. Everyone loves the map, but who has actually played the thing on LAN? i have. It isnt good. it is wrecked by the teleporters.

    Ok so basicly this post should end now, but obviously it wont.

    This is probably the 100,000th time this has been posted. Its sole purpose, to raise fake assumtions and give free posts for new folk.
  16. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I can finally pretend to have a Pelican.
  17. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Valhalla isn’t bigger than Sidewinder. That aside, who ever said that it is going to be an exact remake? It can be bigger than the original and still be quite similar.

    I read all of the updates/announcements and listen to all of the podcasts and not once have I heard anything of the sort. Matter of fact, read the Podcast quotes about Cottonball at the bottom of this post.

    It played great online, I’m not sure what you are talking about. You say it was ruined by the teleporters. Do you care to explain how it was wrecked by teleporters? On the PC version of Halo, they made the teleporters of the bases two-way so that you could use the teleporters to go in and out of the base. This made battles awesome. 16 player matches are epic every time.

    Also, here are some quotes from the latest Podcast while they were talking about Cottonball.

    LT=Luke Timmins
    LS=Luke Smith
    FC=Frank O’Conner

    -LT: I’m extremely excited about that just based on the history of the series…I don’t know how much more I want to say
    -FC: All we’ve said is it is big and its uhhh…
    -LS: …it evokes memories.
    -FC: And it will contain some tweaked vehicles that will be interesting to people

    The bold practically confirms that it will be a remake. The underlined confirms that these vehicles are most likely the tweaked vehicles Frank was talking about so that means that these new vehicles are for Cottonball.
  18. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    They could have tweaked vehicles on more than one map and only shown us the vehicles from one.
  19. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I agree Wakko. Sidewinder played awesome and was definitely one of the largest if not the largest. Also, just because Sidewinder wasn't the biggest doesn't mean the new one can't be bigger (look at Zanzibar to Last Resort). They have said a popular map (Sidewinder/Lockout) is going to be remade in a weekly update. I really think they would only make one remake in the map pack (Cottonball), but it would be interesting if they had all those vehicles for two snow maps (Sidewinder and Lockout). I doubt they would put any vehicles on Lockout, but they could be forgeable.
  20. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    with scorpions on the map the hornet will be owned!

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