HAIL MARY: by ManRayX and JackalAnubis Air Raid V2.0 Download Map Download Gametype Download Map Download Gametype Will they succeed in planting the bomb in the enemy battlecruiser??? Check out the YOUTUBE video YouTube- hmcarrier.wmv YouTube- hm1.wmv I had done a minor mod on one of Jackals other big team maps FrozenTowers, and when I saw Air Raid I immediately saw the potential for a great gametype. I then proceeded to get carried away and totally rebuilt the aircraft carrier and added the third vehicle. I had the idea for the post and storyline before I began the modifications on Jackal’s amazing map. SPEC’S: This map is made for the gametype. It’s an ALL AIR map and when you get at least 5 on 5 it looks like star wars. All players have regenerating grenades and no penalties on respawn. They also spawn with plasma pistols and battle rifles: OFFENSE Coordinate your efforts. Banshee’s cover Hornet’s. Get the bomb and plant it inside the enemy battle cruiser DEFENSE You only have one Banshee (it spawns beneath the battle cruiser and you can access it at your starting spawn point inside the ship) so keep it close to the Defender ship so the 8 turrets can cover you. Loads of power weapons and equipment. Sentinel Beams are very effective on aircraft and have great range. CREDITS You may have recognized some of the maps I used to create the soryline of the post. Check out some of my fellow forgehubbers masterworks like… THE FALCON by Rifleprodigy GO TO FALCON FH THREAD The Falcon’s interior is actually another map called PREDATOR by rewib65 GO TO PREDATOR FH THREAD MIGHTY WHALE X by desert elite GO TO MIGHTY WHALE X FH THREAD Some of the other shots like centcom and the cryo chambers were sets I built for the post. Yeah I know it sounds crazy. In conclusion map has been BETAed like a hundred times for a couple of months and weapons have been balanced out. So go into Big Team Social play a few rounds and build up a following and pull them out into customs to play this. It is insane when you get more than 10 players on it. Don’t believe it check out the videos on my fileshare. ManRayX Download Map Download Gametype
Wow dude, nice storyline. Cant really tell much about the map, cause its confusing. Maybe clear up some things like what happens if you cant find a vehicle cause they haven't respawned or things like that.
Looks like Spam I'll report. Not sure about the map. What map are you talking about. There is like two on Avalanche and one on it pit? Guessing that the pit was used for the storyline I'll review that. This looked more like an Aesthetic map at first until it got to the last picture where I realized it had a game type. You Clearly know how to interlock which you used quite well in fact The ship from what i see looks great inside and out. Obviously i can't rate gameplay so i will download it and return later with a review on it. But for now LOOKS: 4/5
DL, an love it. Only time you will enjoy i sadley is with a large party. But other then that plays great. 5/5
Thats probably the longest post ever but congratualtions on creating a fantastic prelude to your map, it would have been nice to see an overveiw though mate as i cant reli understand the layout of the map. I cant wait to play this though im DL this now! Good job
Never thought this post would be confusing to anyone. It's simple one sided assault on avalanche. Attacker's spawn on the Carrier fly to get the bomb on the landing craft and plant it in the defender battle cruiser. I probably should have shown where the defender banshee spawns so...
Gametype. Gametype is a true all air map. JackalAnubis had a ground base and a bunch of vehicles. Also more than half the map has been rebuilt. New aircraft carrier and ground assault ship.
this is the best storyline ive ever seen posted with a map, will dl very creative and cool sounding. 5/5
Can't tell much from the comic book I guess I'll call it but well you really kinda took someone elses map. And I dont like the gameplay I think its more of an cool-looking map than a playable one. Sorry, looks like you put alot of work into this but I don't like it. I won't rate this
The aesthetics are amazing, but you need to make the carrier much smoother. Also, there is one major flaw with both this map and air raid: on the covenant ship, the prowler turrets don't fire unless they are being fired toward the tunnel through the middle of Avalanche, which is pretty much worthless. Try and fix that, will you? Wonderful job on everything else, though.
The turrets on the wings actually do fire but you cant see the tracers when your sitting in the turret. They will do damage to aircraft and have range enough to hit the landing vehicle. Thanks for the feedback.
Very creative idea with the storyline. Worth a dl just for that. Besides that all, the aesthetic value seems to be great, and the gameplay sounds interesting.
Erm, I'm pretty certain I've seen this map before. Its called 'SHIPS' and the author was Machina003 19 june 2008. You have rebuilt the carrier and the 3rd base but the gunship is identical methinks. Maybe you should accredit the original author? One screenshot is taken from Ships, the other from hail Mary
the storyline confused me and my ADHD mind, and i was even further confused by the fact that you had screenshots from the pit and your map. anyways, i kind of get it from reading other posts now. The map looks really good, but i feel the scorpions would be kind of useless in a close quarters invironment like what you have created. also, can i ask for soem screenshots of the map without text and perhaps just an overhead without the roof so i can get a good layout? 4/5
Check ur facts The ship your refering to came from Jackal Annubis Air raid map. Theres a link in the Hail mary post to it. I know somebody got banned for trying to take credit for it in the past but I dont remember the details. Do you have a link to the post for "ships" I tried to look for it but it doesnt come up? Jackal Annubis POSTED HIS MAP ON 05/17/08 a month before you say your guy posted his. So methinks you should actually read the post before you make comments. I creditted Jackal Annubis and put a link to his original map in my post. Check it out at AIR RAID
really creative way of presenting ur map. As for the actual map I love the space ship and all of the bases making it feel like halo wars.
very nice comic , this is probably the best Ship that ive seen im just wondering how big and well made it is on the inside. also how many aircraft do the attackers have and are there any other ways onto the ship without using an aircraft? because ive played a ton of Ship maps where all the aircraft have been destroyed and your sitting there waiting for them to respawn..