IS it possible to make a death floor on foundry? I have been thinking of making a map in the air on foundry.. where if you fall off you go out of the map... what do you think on this? ... The Main concept is that I use teleports that take you out of the map...where you die... ... any other suggestions...
not truly... I been thinking... what if man cannons where scattered on the floor? placed so that they pushed you in to the teleporter?
Effecient use of mancannons and sender nodes, and a reciever node outside in the death barrier works. It has been done on a few maps. Although it can make maps look ugly. try to make it so players cant see the gaping holes.
Well theres a map some where that uses continuous explosions on the floor to cause death, but I think it could be done better. You could have things shot through teh man cannons periodically so either players were crushed or pushed into teleporters.
... I was wanting to make a map where fusiion coils don't enforce staying in the map... as well I was going to use this in context of conquest... for the tree tops... I know foundry isnt very tall but ... you only have to go a floor above make ti so that they can't get out of my trap... as well I wanted this map to be open...
you could use steep bridges or other objects so that they get funneled into the man cannons o send em into the tele
I was talking to ferret about this the only thing is ...I would like to have some elevation to the map... so what i was thinking was one story is killer the rest... are the lose free falling sections
I dont know how big your planning on, but you could also use narrows to some extent (although that runs the problem of movable objects
Simple. Make the map in a steep cone shape with man canons pointing downward into a sender which leads to your death. Make the floor out of pallets.
I heard someone say that they made a hill that had made you die in one hit, and a bunch of constant fusion coils. Seems like a good idea.
The problem with that is that the fusion coils might destroy the pallets, if he decides to place them there.
I have a couple of comments.. -Firstly, if you would be interested in building this map on Standoff, you may be interested in checking out Solaris It was created on a section of the map that will kill you via guardians/suicide if you touch the terrain. -Another idea would be to angle bridges or something into sender nodes which teleport you outside of Foundry, which places on a mancannon that forcefully shoots you past the boundary where you automatically die. This has been done on a few maps tho I can't name any of them off my head to give you a link to check. sorry As for transforming the entire Foundry floor into something like that.. I don't really know. Sounds like quite a daunting task. Hopefully some of this will help you. GL! Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
Well I helped my friend make a lockout remake and I came up with a KotH gametype substituting instant death. All you need to do is place a hill on the floor of foundry and make sure it covers the whole area but none of the part of the map you want you're players in and try to block off the stair cases. Now you can just edit the king of the hill settings to make any player who "falls out of the map" [ends up on the hill] to end up with 25% speed, 200% gravity, 10% damage reduction, no shields, no motion tracker 0% damage, force active camo off so if they jump off with it on it will turn off, and a waypoint over their head that everyone can see. You could also make the hill give -1 point every second for being inside but that might be excessive. Then all you need to do is change point scoring so that you get points for slayer kills and whatever else you want. And there you have it, a slayer game that punishes falling off the map. Also I had a thought just now, that in fact it might be easier to make the hill covver the whole of you're elevated map, that will stop people from running to the stairs so they can get out of the hill. In that case just reverse in the hill settings fro off the hill settings and give the hill no point scoring