Just tell me which Halo game you like the best and for what reason. I am personally torn between Halo 3(gameplay and graphics) and Combat Evolved(story/campaign)
Halo 3 is the best, obviously. But out of the other two, I think Halo:Combat Evolved was best. If you look at it, the graphics in Halo 3 were like the graphics in Halo 1. You can see a reflection in your helmet, everything stands out. And the campaign runs very smooth. In Halo 2, however, everything blended in together and the graphics weren't as good in my opinion.
i have to say halo ce because of the story mostly i think halo 2 had a crapy story and halo 3 was a great recovery from it
I like Halo: Combat Evolved, it was the first game of it's kind. All the memories of playing on it years ago was amazing. Halo 3 may be a better technical game, but Halo: CE will always be known in my heart as the best.
I'd have to say Halo 3, but I've only played this game out of the series, so it's a bit f a biased decision. Still, I love the storyline, the multiplayer and all the other features the game as to offer. Out of all the games I own, it definately has the better playability and (re-playability) factor that some games just don't have. Halo 3 FTW.