I rolled the numbers in sketchup for what it would take to make this map, and i think there are enough pieces... i just need some help from you guys who do all the interlocking and merging... So, that being said... Anyone want to help? Apologies in advance if this is in the wrong section... P.S. I know someone made this map in foundry and everything, but looking at that version, the dimensions are wrong, and it's just not quite right...
I'd be glad to help, but can you provide us with a pic to see what we're working with? i cant speak for everyone, but i've certainly never heard of Blockfort...
I s'pose it's very much possible to do given the resources available on Sandbox and the Budget. You might not even need an OLN canvas for it, considering how simple of a map it is. I'd like to see a VIP gametype similar to the "battle mode" in Mario Kart... Maybe something like this: - High Damage Resistance, No/Slow Shield Recharge - 3 lives each - Unlimited Score to Win (so the last team remaining with a VIP is the winner) - Rocket Launchers - VIP rides Passenger and can kill and be killed. - Driver is Invulnerable
Mario BlockFort is classic. I would love to help with the remake, just don't have the mythic set......yet.
I remembered it when I saw the pic. I don't want to help (lol), but I think it's a good idea, and I don't think that it will difficult to create. Good luck.
Here's my mock map in google sketchup. http://sorahn.net/pics/screenshots/58c0f969967835629b529cce9dd60d70.png The squares in the bottom of the sketchup crypt don't quite line up right. So the measurements are to place the bases 2 squares out from the sides. and then, the isle in the center of the map should be 4 squares wide. Another option would be to make the bases slightly larger, and make the lanes in the middle only 2 squares wide. I think wider is better so you can't easily jump between bases. I was also trying to figure out a better way to make the ramps because i think the ones from the bottom to middle are a bit to steep. I'm also thinking some pillars or something to make the bases kind of like blue base from H'EH..
Ahh, Blockfort, that map was a classic. The Sketch-up looks perfect and is just how I remember it. Feel free to send me an invite if you need any help. GT: AmercanPsycho