Sandbox Druid

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Crytos, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. Crytos

    Crytos Ancient
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    I realize that the title of this thread says that it is a remake of the maps: I have included a caveat- it is certainly an artistic reinvisioning of the maps based on what I think would make the map better (not having the bases face each other and changing the "ramps" and the base of the "camo spawn" platform) Please bear this in mind as you view/play the map. I'd change the title if I could :)

    I've created a map based on the template of wizard/warlock from the previous Halo games in the crypt level of Sandbox (patience for those of you who don't have the mythic maps yet... they are worth the wait!) I named the map Druid to follow the original "magical" theme of the previous versions (originally I wanted to call it Dreadlock, but I got some pretty hairy resistance on that one, lol) The links to the maps are found below...


    -The camo platform

    -Grav lift, platform, shotgun and teleporter

    -Better view

    -Blue base

    I love this map, it feels just like the originals and it looks darn good too :) The kill ball (actually a sphere of dark magical energy 8) is a great touch that adds a lot to the aesthetic appeal of the map. The scenery and decorative items add a lot as well. Sandbox is awesome :) Don't worry, the killball can't hurt you unless you actually TRY to jump into it (grenade, etc).

    -Ground floor

    -Red base and wall

    Druid (NEW)
    There are two versions of this map. The first, found here is a revamped version of Druid, based on warlock/wizard with new halo 3 updates such as equipment, snipers and heavy weapons. Heavy weapons are on the red bases at the top of the grav lifts with equip behind the short walls where the flags go on warlock. Snipers are on the blue side with equips the same as on the red bases. There is a sword in the bottom center of the map where the pistols were in the original and a flare under the active camo. Personally, this is my favorite of the two, although the layout of the map is exactly the same as the (Classic) version below.

    Druid (Classic)
    The second version, found here, is an artistic adaptation of wizard/warlock with all the weapon placements found on warlock from halo 2. I took the liberty of adding maulers in a few places instead of shotguns (on 2 of the 4 sides) and a few other minor changes.

    Please post and let me know what you think or would like to see changed or have me make in the future!
    #1 Crytos, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  2. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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  3. Crytos

    Crytos Ancient
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    - okay, pics are up. Thanks for everyone's being SOOO overly helpful and letting me know so many times! See what persistence does? If you harass someone enough, you can get anything you want out of them!
  4. paulie15wyh

    paulie15wyh Ancient
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    screens are brokeded
  5. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Your screenies can't be linked just to bungie ahhh that zombie face is scaring me. Anyway from what I can see from no pics (lulz) is that there has been a few Warlock/Wizard remakes already : / I love the name the it's creative :) Will post more when you fix your pics kk?

    Please don't If you are going to repeat 5 people about least say something about the map

    *edit: I really enjoyed the gameplay and yay you has pics well I already saw the map so w/e 4.8/5
    #5 STWOW, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  6. Crytos

    Crytos Ancient
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    Fixed the images

    Okay, the screenshots are finally fixed... Sorry about that guys!
  7. pet

    pet Ancient
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    aside from the fact that its almost completely different from wizard or warlock, and looks pretty sloppy, i see some interesting ideas in there. maybe label it as more of an inspiration, and try and differentiate it more from the original?

    before remaking a map you might want to check to see if its already been remade, too... and than if you think you can do better, go for it. i don't know if you did that, though?
  8. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    This is more of a "Kinda reminds me of warlock" "remake".
    Alot of it is very different.The ramps up are tiny and a bunch of walls arent in the original.
    Its not the prettiest map I've seen and tbh warlock/wizard remakes are kinda done to death.I'll stick with metalock.
  9. Crytos

    Crytos Ancient
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    In my defense...

    I guess it's safer to call it an artistic revision of warlock. I personally like the blocky nature of sandbox's pallette so I intentionally didn't interlink anything just to see how it all fit. The symmetry is good and the map is a blast to play. Try it out before you criticize it too much. I've played several other remakes, and I did mine to fix some of the flaws i found/didn't like about the other ones. The ability to go into the "ramp" areas under where the BR spawns is a nice place to hide and the hole in the wall behind that corridor allows for some crazy cat and mouse games. Also, having heavy weapons and equipment makes the map unique, as do the monolithic structures that surround the base. Plus, the sword spawn at the center is the perfect way to turn the tide of a battle, if you can survive to get it out.
  10. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Nice map. I downloaded it. Looks good, and accurate to the originals(except the Killball. Why did you put that in?). Overall a good map. 4.3/5
  11. Crytos

    Crytos Ancient
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    Lol, it was supposed to represent the magical theme of the names of the previous two maps (Wizard and Warlock). For backstory's sake, the kill ball is a source of immense energy that once fuled forerunner technology. Now that power is being contested by both the covenant and the humans as they fight for dominion in the universe.

    It also looks awesome :)
  12. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Wow this is sad.No use of proper language.

    Anyways I like the map overll but the killballs you put there have two things that are wrong with the killballs.
    1)It takes too much color out of the map.
    2)Gee...I dont see a dang killball on warlock.
    And even the name is sad"Druin"lol I was laghing,what does that word mean.

    So all you will get from me is a bad review.
  13. Crytos

    Crytos Ancient
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    I love how art is viewed from the perspective of those who know nothing about it. It fascinates me... The killball in fact takes a lot more than the color out of the map- it blinds anyone looking at it, making a very intense battleground whenever you or an opponent are on the platform trying to get the camouflage, which is floating directly under the killball. It also is supposed to to represent magical energy, and it definitley is the best looking object on the pallette for that.

    Also, the name of the map is, in fact, DRUID. A druid can be loosley defined as: a magician or priest that is often associated with the earth and its dark energies. This name fits with the earthy feel of the map, so I chose it for that, and because of the magical connotations. Know your history Venom, you might learn something. I can't gurantee you'll learn how not to mix up an "n" with a "d", but who knows? :)

    Thanks for the criticism though, I hope this clarifies a little.
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    A wizard or priest associated with the dark energies of the earth?
    Honestly you make it sound like some manga obsessed nerd came up with it for his online flash game.
    It was a celtic wise-man.Bugger all's known about them and bugger-all ever will be becuase the celts didnt believe in writing stuff down until christianity and ergo the fall of the druids(Since they were the religous part of the aos dána-wisemen-)But yeah I can see how it could be noted in the same genre as wizard etc

    And the more you try to explain this map the less and less like a remake it seems to have been intended to be.
    I think you should do a V2,lose all attempts at making "warlock".
    Make your map flow similarly or hold the basic concept but go wild with it.
    Call it a spiritual succesor and go from there.
    It seems almost like you made a remake....decided it was too boring and changed a bunch of stuff.Then decided to make it a remake agian but only went halfway.
  15. Crytos

    Crytos Ancient
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    I'm sorry that you just don't like me supa midget...

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