Mods I dont know where to post, move if nessesary! Creator: xpwn3r kidx (xpWn3r kiD tAt) Track Name: Soccer Coaster Map Name: Foundry Interlocking?: Yes Geomerging?: No (Ruins the flight pattern of the ball) and Yes I geomerged upside-down man-cannons to make the middle of the floor shine blue Well, Its what the title says this is a soccer coaster. Insted of mongooses I made a coaster specifically for soccer balls. Its short but fun to play over and over again. I tested it 38 times and with 3 people. Only once it didn't work. The reason was un-fixible but its rare it will happen. EDIT: I forgot, in the middle of the floor its blue. It is blue because i geomerged upside-down man cannons into the middle of the floor to make it shine blue. Interlocking/Geomerging The thing on this track with interlocking and geomerging was I tried it 30 different ways and it still didn't work. The problem was the ball would get stuck and to make it everything must be presise. The map itself is setup perfectly. A walkthrough and pictures are posted below. Walkthrough First, push the ball through the teleporters and then walk through them. The teleporters lead to a floating double-box where you can watch the action. Pics Fence wall ramp After the man cannon it leads to a moonbounce. They are all perfectly presise. Any movements will mess it up. It then goes to a grav lift that leads to a man cannon. After the man cannon the ball lands on a ramp which leads to a grav lift which leads to a ramp with an invisible man cannon. Leads to a shield door bounce, down a ramp, to a grav lift, then off a man cannon. Then leads to either a moon bounce or leads to the beginning of the track and starts over again. The ball is set to a 20 second spawn time. But if it doesn't spawn there is another ball above the teleporters. all you do is shoot the fusion coil and it drops Thats it hope you enjoy it! Please rate and comment! Thanks Download link:
Cool map, but it doesn't belong here. This is classified under aesthetics. I like how you get to stand on the double box to watch the action. 4/5 for creativity.
This is....different. I have not seen "gadgets" like this where you activate it and watch. I definitely agree that this is an aesthetic map. However, maps like this don't get too many dl's cause people may want to do more than just watch. But is still a unique idea, and you carried it out well.
Looks great. Just because it doesnt have interlocks or geomerging doesnt mean the map is bad it just means that is not needed. I wish people would understand that before making maps.
This is definitely a high five! You should put a mongoose through this puppy and see what happens, oh yeah it doesn't belong in this file haha w/e 5/5 AnF
Dude if you put this on youtube I saw it.Simply...awsome. I love the way you made the fencewall part and I love the concept idea.So yeah very well put together. -MLG-V-
No its not on youtube. Thats where the idea is from though.I liked that one and wanted to make one. One that was...better. Not to brag but mine has a lot of hard work and is not as sloppy as the one on youtube.
No a little acceleration is required. Things like when a soccer ball rolls. A mongoose cant so yea...
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