We read the story in English class and everyone had to make a movie. Naturally I went the extra mile. Remember to watch in HD. Comment, rate, subscribe if you enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoJCtV_rpy0 The first person who says all of the hidden tidbits gets an awesome prize.
I was the matt damon character (rainsford), my friend colin was General Zaroff the bad guy played by Clint Eastwood, and Kris was Ivan (the big guy) played by Andre the Giant.
That is such a random grade. Well, considering I have no idea what the story is even about, I can't really give a grade. Although, it was pretty funny, just seeing the faces.
Ya of course everyone in the class is just going to use imovie to make a movie with Pop Music set to a bunch of pictures of actors lol... so I have no doubt we are going to get a high A at least
I have read this story for English class as well. I like your thinking, and I have to say, I ROFL'd all over myself at the beginning when I heard "BOOM HEADSHOT!!!" Very well done. If I were your English teacher I would reward you a cookie and a B+ (I'm a hard marker )
Thanks for the reviews guys... but seriously? You gave me a B+? My one friend told me that he got a 98 for a really simple one and I'm like, well we're gonna get 198% lawl W
Very funny vid Jelleh. I hope you get good marks. I'm sure thats going to be the most original out of your class.