Kinda a disturbing story and idea but it looks fun none the less. Looks like its well built too, pallets stay up and all. No flamethrower anywhere? I think you need a better description and a bit more about the gametype too
Good job this is very original. I like how the zombies im guessing throw fire bombs at the humans. But you should try giving the humans some choice, like another house. Im just giving you some ideas. hope you make an even better V2
Creativety wise i love this map! It makes me laugh as a zombie, but has me crying as a human. I agree with blackandblutoo, add some choice for the humans, it's not supposed to be a crematorium, I dont think. Instead of another house (to save some time) just make the house bigger.
Looks pretty cool, but you could have described it a bit more. But the concept looks pretty cool. However, you should make the house bigger. It would be like a spawn camping festival. Still, from what's there, 7/10.
You can only have 12 pallets, so I could not make the house bigger. The object of the game is to survive for as long as possible!
Nice work on the map dude. I am actually a pyromaniac and I've had dreams about being a full blown arsenist, and this is what my dream looked like. I would never do this in real life because I just don't have the heart to do it. This is the most fun way to relieve you from stress. All you have to do is invite the person to the game, then burn them alive in their own house. Work: 10/10 Design: 10/10 Creativity: 10/10 Overall: 10/10
It looks cool and original, but without a game explanation or Gametype, its hard to judge the map and if it would be fun or not.
I like the fact that over time more effects spawn in, giving the illusion that the fire is getting greater.
I can haz creditz for test mapzorz? Anyway, I liked the originality behind this map. For those people who want a way to survive; get on the roof and there is a precise way to jump behind the teleporters, which buys you more time (although a fairly smaller ledge to walk on). Unless Dream fixed it.... I actually disagree with most people's opinions and say it is more fun being the human and trying not to get your ass burned off. 5/5 because even though there could be improvements, it would be impossible to do so (you already ran out of pallets).
I fixed that cheat. There is no way to cheat now. Thanks a lot for helping me test this map. It was a quick map to make. I like how it came out and is fun between more serious games.
Looks pretty awesome Similar to the 'Jenga' idea, but with more fire Will give this a Download ... Always a fan of new zombie maps ;D
This doesn't look very fun for the humans, is there anything they can do to prevent being killed as fast, flare or bubble shield maybe?
Well, there are some items that spawn in the house. The humans can take 300% dammage. So it is actually fun for the humans. You can last a while if you are good at jumping and weaving. Check the actaul game out and please come back with some direct comments.
wow what a sick and twisted story/game i LOVE IT !!!! this is one of the most creative and original games/maps i have seen in a while! i cant wait tot try this out i am for sure gonna downlaod this!! construction-> 5/5 asthetics->4.8/5 originality->5/5 overall 4.9/5!!
This map looks alot of fun. Two questions, 1. So the humans just stay in the house and dodge the fire? and 2 can you make this on Foundry for us people who are sandbox-less
Haha yeah right make it on Foundry. It took me six hours to make this map. Well DL it when you get the mythic map pack. Thanks for the comment!
it seems like a much-MUCH better version of Jenga and a blending of Firefighters. I have to say I like the idea, that last pic looks reallly creeeepy