Halo Wars, without the Halo. That'd just be called "Wars" then, wouldn't it? But yeah, it wouldn't be that good. I dunno what it would be about though.
i agree with matty and sweeney it has a lot of depth but i dont actually have the game i played it at a friends house and i think it would do well if it didnt have the halo theme
I just realized I forgot about Command and Conquer 3... How could I forget about that game. I played it before I got Xbox Live, and when I got Xbox Live I made a new profile (on accident, I thought I was signed in, but I wasn't.) instead of linking the existing profile, that's why all my achievements are earned online. I've only had Xbox Live since about October, but I've had my 360 for much longer than that. I suppose I understand your disappointment, but there's always hype with a game, especially considering the fact that Halo 3 just reached it's 1 billionth online game last week. I suppose the point I'm just trying to make is that there are going to people that doing like it, but there are plenty of people that love it the way it is, and I like it exactly like it is, with the Halo theme.
Actually, Fbu I didn't download the demo because it was Halo themed-I downloaded the demo becaue it was 3AM one night, and I was bored. I happened to notice that someone on my XBL friends list was playing it. Who cares if it doesn't match the depth of 'real' RTS games? It's still fun. Also, Halo Wars is definitely not the first Console RTS. There was actually a starcraft clone way back on the N64, if I'm not mistaken-though that clone is nearly impossible to find now. I sort of want to find it. Also, for console RTS's, there's also Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2.
Why don't you guys just enjoy it for what it is? Those of you who bought it just to get the Mythic maps... well, you wasted quite a bit of money instead of just being patient. Those of you who bought it to actually play the game and who were upset with the way the gameplay turned out, well, get a refund.
I agree... My brother bought the game and I've played it. It is well worth the $60. The game is simple so that you can focus on war rather then most RTS games in which you have to waste half the battle building your economy. And most other RTS games have one annoying flaw, which is the production of just one unit and sending them all in at once to win. Halo Wars has counter units, which really do counter! What about Tiberium Wars... Those games suck on the Xbox360 and they had a decent amount of publicity not to say a demo and they managed to include map packs for the game...
super cute :3 etc If you play other rts's like that then your playing them wrong There's a whole meta game I don't feel like explaining (micro managing, recon, blah blah) It's so unknown that the stigma still remains, it took 3 pages before someone could name one. (naming it is just semantics anyway)
one halo wars is awsome. people don't like it because it takes skill and you cant hid in the back with a rocket luancher wich you know who you are. halo wars is the best rts game for the 360 sorry to those who cant think and use tactics AKA rocket noobs. now bad reviews. maybe you who haven't been introduced to the world don't know about money. money makes the world go round. don't pay me enough money i won't give a good review. Every review for a game is bias We want money so its your call Rocket noob
Eh, I'm no Halo fanboy. As I've said before, I originally wasn't even planning on buying the game- I heard friends talking excitedly about it, and I sort of just shrugged and responded with "I don't really care much about Halo anymore. I only log on to that game to use forge, and even then I do it rarely. I enjoy the gameplay of Halo Wars- I don't have to focus as much with it as I often do with other RTS games. I admit, it's not as deep as some others, and I was somewhat disappointed with the inclusion of only two playable 'factions'. Sure, there's not as much of a strategy involved in Halo Wars- it's very basic. It's what I'd term a 'casual' RTS. But I'm not changing my stance here. I enjoy Halo wars, it's fun, and I believe it would be just as enjoyable even without the Halo theme behind it.
ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush ODST rush
Holy **** you're retarded. From you're constant mantra of ODST rush, I'm guessing you find it overpowered, non? Well, it shows how RTSelligent you are. Day 2 of the demo, ODSTs are called useless in normal situations and the Leader rush proclaimed the most overpowered strat ever. Not to mention that the Leader rush can be done in 50 seconds depending on map. I'm sure you're ODSTs will pwn the base before that if what you said is true.
Engineers can't heal scarabs, can they? And by the time you've built TWO scarabs, any competent player would have led an attack and destroyed you with no army.