this post is not up to forgehub standards, needs at least 1 embedded picture. i did read youre post and wednesday is quite a bit, it only takes a few seconds to embed, i have an easier way, GATORSHOES2
plz follow the standards here at forgehub Forum Conduct/Map Posting Map Posting Rules Maps must include at least one embedded picture of the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare. You must include at least a brief description of the map. Post titles must consist of the map name ONLY and no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting. Failure to post your map correctly will lead to a topic lock after 24 hours in the absence of a fix.
why is everyone on my case, the first guy told me the rule I clearly told you about already. Posting at least 1 image.
because you havent updated and it still has the problem of having it linked to your fileshare. you should link it to a bungie forum post and also it must be updated with in 24 hours not by wednesday, that would be 48 hours. if you dont do it in 24 hours it will be locked by one of the forum moderators!
Look I understand the rules, and I will fix everything, but please bare with me. I will try get the pictures up and fix the links tomorrow. I just wanted to show my map off, so please download it. In the meantime I will fix my post. Sorry for my temper and inconvenience Beeny95
Ya guys really, get off his case, he says he'll have them up by Wednesday (though the thread will be locked in 24 hours so you will probably have to repost) So nobody post another not up to standards message or I will report it as spam, now Beeny I would highly suggest you ask a good friend to post pics for you so that the thread won't get locked then ask a mod to move the pics to the front page. On with the map, it sounds pretty good in most areas except the honor rules but I can't really be sure about anything until there are pics so right now my rating stands between a 3-4/5. I'll comment back when there are pics.
there is no point in posting the map if you dont have a picture, nobody will download. Also, forgehub does not care if you are not ready. If your arent fully prepared, than dont post it
still working on the link. I have a party today and well, I can't get the pictures today, but Wednesday I can. I am asking if anyone will post them for me like the dude said? I would really appreciate it, also how do I get my map on the Bungie post? Thanks guys, Beeny95