Contest - Forgehub Top 5 plays

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xSharpshooter94, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Basically I was thinking about my beginnings in the Halo community and I was thinking back to my times at While I was there I learned almost everything i know about Halo 3 from watching their Inside Halo shows. It is actually in one of those shows that they mentioned Forgehub and I came over here. Back to the contest though, well during every show they would count down the top 5 "plays of the week". Essentially this was the most epic clips of gameplay sent in by their community. They were so over run by clips that they almost had to stop it. Then it hit me, "why not do that for Forgehub?" ​
    The Contest Itself:
    So now I'm starting this new tradition of the Top 5 Plays...of Forgehub! The contest is by the community for the community. I repeat this is not an official Forgehub event. It is quite simple however. All you have to do is send me your clips and I'll pick the best ones. At the end of the judging period I'm going to make a video presentation showcasing the top 5 plays. ​
    Submitting Clips:
    The way you are to submit a clip is the way that will be easiest for me. Basically you have to do this:​
    1. Post here saying that you've signed up and maybe make a comment as to have it not be spam.
    2. Send me a link to the clip oyou got off of gamevee, im sorry but my capture card dun work right now.
    3. Send the above to me in a PM with the title name FHT5C-(your name)
    4. In that PM include your FH username, your gamertag and a brief description of the clip. (All of this is to make it easier on me.)
    5. Send and you’re done! I will not reply to your message, just assume i got it!
    Final Notes:
    The idea behind this is to help showcase the community's skills, not in just forge, but in the actual playing of the game Halo. As for you people who have already submitted your files, don't fret, you will still be counted in the current contest. So guys good luck with this and I'm looking forward to all of your clips in their epic-awesomeness.​
    Good Luck Guys! This weeks Theme is multi-Kills send in your best double/triple/over and whatever else you guys can do!​
    #1 xSharpshooter94, Mar 8, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2009
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I love this idea! unfortunately, i gotta go, but ill edit this post with my film clip l8r.
  3. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    Uhm... you know that gamevee does not exist any more, don't you?
  4. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll try this. See if I can't find some cool clips of me.
  5. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    orly? my bad try to see if you can get the clips some other way then. I can't get them myself right now. saving up for a new Dazzle

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