Hello everyone. i just registered i understand this place is all about map building using halo 3's forge tool. good thats just what i like to do anyways i was telling people that i like to forge and i was talking to other people who like to forge so the only reason why i am here is because of Mini Waz (friend of a friend) So yeah. Thanks for showing me this place. i hope i will have a good time
Unfortunately I've ran out of cookies at the moment, but welcome to Forgehub, I hope you bring out some awesome maps, hope to see you round in the future.
O hai. Here's the map posting template Map Posting Template - ForgeHub Halo Forums. Rules are in the top bar of the site. Have fun and welcome to forgehub!
My cookie is better than yours! My chocolate chips dance! Anyway, welcome to forghub! And enjoy your two fantastic cookies!
True its hard to realise from the title forgehub Have a good time here, and dont be one of those losers who leave after one week and never ever come back... C ya round.
Well, I ate of of my cookies, but I would like to Welcome you to forge hub, please enjoy your stay here, and stay around. If you need any help just message me, or anything else just message me, or you can add me on Xbox Live. I will forge with you or play Play list anything to make you feel welcome, but stick around
Welcome to forgehub. Although we have no cookies, we do have pretty forge maps and tutorials. They aren't edible, but ah well.
Your just not trying hard enough. Welcome to forgehub,your arbiter plushy and cookies are in the mail