lolwut, i actually to think it a decent game, honestly, i like it. But the game i remembering hating the most was Call of Duty: Big Red One
That video makes me want to kill myself. Seriously, falling threw bridges? just go outside the map just like that? c'mon I can make a better game with a batch file.
Okay, I've done some research on this game. If you reverse, you can reverse infinitely fast, but you will instantly halt if you release the back arrow key. Also, there was a patch that fixed the lack of AI and change the text "YOU'RE WINNER!" to "YOU WON!", but the AIs now stop dead just before the finish line and they themselves have no collision models, not even against each other (they often drive through each other along their completely choreographed lines of travel). Big Rigs was released in 2003 and was made in Russia. It was a PC exclusive and has been voted as the "worst game ever made". Surprisingly however, it sold over 20,000 copies :/
Dude, I'm playing pokemon diamond right now, pokemon is still the ****, I don't care what other people say.
The gameboy games never get old. They are infinitely replayable. Although they have lost some of their shine now that they have like over a thousand Pokemon.
Brickbreaker, the only game that comes on Blackberries, simply because it's the only game I know how to play on my Blackberry and it's so annoying.
I respectfully inform you that you don't appear to have much taste, sir...particularly since several games on the Wii were ALSO released on other consoles. The Wii has a number of Wiiware games that are well worth the download-Final Fantasy CC: My Life as King, for one....not to mention all of the virtual console games. And what about Super Smash Brothers Brawl? That game was incredible. And I've heard nothing but good things about No More Heros. And Mario Kart Wii. There are obviously going to be more 'garbage' titles on a system like the Wii than there will on other systems....that's a given, I'd say. But don't make statements implying that every game on a system is trash.
*has legit alamos darkrai* Used to love pokemon, the show sucks now, same thing for like 5 years, The game are still decent though. and no my darkrai isnt for trtade