New forgers, Keep Foundry alive.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by maddflash, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    Hello fellow halo 3 players. It has crossed my mind that Foundry may die upon the unraveling of the mythic map pack on the marketplace. Whilst Sandbox may have all of its funky new stuff and the ability to create floating maps. We can't forget what Foundry has bought us. Alot of you should get what I mean when I say that Sandbox doesn't really have an atmosphere to it. Foundry has always built up a good feeling for me when I'm playing forged maps on it. Alot of the sandbox maps that I have played feel a lot like each other and it can get boring very quick if the maps tools aren't utilized to their potential. Alot of you may say that Sandbox will give amateur forgers the ability to forge great maps with little skill. This, in my opinion is wrong. Unless you know what your doing your map isn't going to feel very special. It's something I noticed since playing on Sandbox. Foundry will always give a different feel no matter what you build. Listen up amateur forgers, Use Foundry to build up your forging abilities, not sandbox. You will thank me one day.
  2. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Foundry bought us stuff? It didn't buy me anything...

    To be honest I always hated Foundry. Every map had the same damn lighting. It will take some time to see Sandbox shape into what it will be, but it took Foundry some time before we started seeing really cool stuff. Give it some time.
  3. Rubber Duck

    Rubber Duck Ancient
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    I totally know how you feel and where you are coming from with this, but you shouldn't have such a closed mind when it comes to new ideas. I had this same feeling when Halo 3 itself came out.
    I thought to myself, "what of all the times we had super bouncing, having modtacular abilitys and revolutionizing the future with halo 2." but then i realized that the winds of change are blowing, and i should live and let die.

    One thing you said though struck me as odd, when you said "Sandbox doesn't really have an atmosphere to it." I thought you were wayyy wrong. Because from the lighting to the names of the areas of the map. It has so much atmophere I can hardly take it in. ^-^

    AND ONE LAST THING! Are you having a bad day? If you're not why are you looking for an argument? You know people feel strongly about sandbox, just as you feel strongly about foundry. In future posts try not to isolate a group of people in their likeness.
    #3 Rubber Duck, Mar 8, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2009
  4. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    I did explain it did take a bit of extra work to create its own atmosphere. My argument isn't an isolated one, if you read it carefully that i do read some good points for Sandbox, What im mainly trying to say is that new forgers shouldn't run before they walk or we're going to see alot of crappy new sandbox maps. Foundry should be a map for new forgers.
    It is said MLG will make you a better player.
    It is thought Foundry will make you a better forger.
  5. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    Even though I don't have the mythic map pack, sandbox is already way better for forging then foundry. The crypt can EASILY replace all of foundry and yet sandbox still offers more. The only difference is the walkways in the back, which are not used often and even more often closed off by double boxes and that. BUT, foundry is readily availible and free and doesn't cost money to get while to get the map pack cost around 800 Microsoft pts (I think). Maddflash, I am a newer forger and I will take your advice for now... Hopefully you are right.
  6. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    So wait. Your saying that you don't want forgers to use Sandbox because you don't want them to make shitty maps on it? Would you prefer they made shitty maps on Foundry?

    Sandbox will not render Foundry useless. When Foundry came out people didn't just stop using the old maps altogether. But it was generally agreed, if one is to make an inventive map it would happen on Foundry. On the other hand Foundry was praised for pretty much one thing and one thing only. It had a big flat floor. Sandbox has an even bigger flat floor. I guess what i'm saying is, what is so special about Foundry that will make players who forge on it better than those who forge on Sandbox? You're acting like the map's feelings will get hurt if we don't use it. And I can also understand you being annoyed about all the "boring" maps, but that makes sense, the people who put no work into their maps WILL have their maps out first. If I can wait one month for the Mythic public release you can at least wait a while until expecting some great maps.
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Don't worry, Foundry will not be forgotten. But if the **** maps are made on Foundry, no change will be made.

    I've made a Foundry map which will be released once the rushed Sandbox maps subside.
  8. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Oh gawd how many of these threads will we have to endure...

    We will see shitty maps on sandbox.Its going to happen.There were plenty on foundry too.

    Plenty of maps on foundry are equally similar and lifeless indeed most are pale,uncolorful and as atmospheric as the surface of the moon.

    People will stop using foundry(even if only temporarily)

    Sandbox can have an atmosphere if you build it right,default blows but then so does default foundry

    Its software we're not obliged to use it in anyway.It served its purpose and is still doing pegasi delta said.The old man trend is getting tiresome.
    Imagine if we were all still using windows '98 and refused to upgrade.Granted we wouldn't be plauged with vista but still.
  9. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    98 > vista.
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I know, I'm derailing this topic, but will someone please explain to me what is so bad about Vista? Mine's not slow, not incompatible, it likes all web browsers, it doesn't hate my antivirus software. Why do people hate Vista?
  11. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Vista is like a big **** officers who grabs you by the balls whenever you try to install or do anything with your computer.
    It is annoyingly incompatible with almost everyhting and service pack one which supposedly fixes everything is annoyingly hard to put in.My computer was out of comission for a week when we upgraded.Also you can ONLY use 4gb's of ram,which is fine for most people but some programmes run slowly and more RAM makes things much easier.The likes of texturizing a CAD model
    And '98 is a complete piece of crap maddflash don't even try with that stupidity

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