Just curious to see if anyone prefers stacking objects to make things float (e.g. place a box, put a tele above it, delete box) versus using the hold in place, save, quit variation. I find myself using a combination. For instance, if I want things to be floating at the same height I will stack crates and use that as a measurement. Likewise, if it's something simple like having an object float a short distance off the ground I use barrels/mini-crates. I tend to use the S&Q method for things floating high above the ground or at wierd angles. Just wondering who prefers which method.
Ideally, you probably need a combination of the two, low objects that need to be lined up right will be best with the stack method. When your trying to setup your base in the sky just right (with correct angles, etc.) you'll have to use the save/quit technique.
I think S&Q is a lot easier for diagonal objects and that is what I do for those, if ever (so far racetracks only). The stacking method I will use for laying down second floors etc.
I think prefer to have a friend hold a crate, but when I by myself I stack small un-important objects and save the more important ones.
Does the friend hold a crate method work? I thought of doing that but never actually thought it would work b/c the object you want to float has to be in a stable position when using the stacking method to stay floating. If it works I'll add it and update the poll.
It's pretty official. S&Q PWNS NOOBS Save and quit get's a little time consuming for me, I get long load time for some reasons :-\
Both methods are pretty useful in their own way. I use stacking if I want things leveled and evened out. Otherwise, I just use the save and quit method.
iy's probably becuase all the starting a restarting matches has pissed off your xbox, or your Halo 3 items have almost gotten to their limit.
I went for the comedy option. But really, I would choose stacking if I hadn't already voted. Unless you need to float something at an angle or really high. In that case, save and quit. So both I guess.
The Save and quit takes to much time especially when you are trying to make a map in the air, and stacking it just ridiculous. You dont need a friend either. Just take your other controller turn it on sign in as a guest on live and do it youself. This is the easiest way and it makes everything really precise because you can have multiple angles. -Donuts
No it doesn't, my Spartan Eagle map is all floating, it didn't take long to make. Well , listenting to my iPod it didn't seem like it took very long.
That's actually a good idea that I haven't thought of before. It eliminates Lag as well. Very good point.
My problem with that is: It's hard to get angled perfectly with the ground. If you're going for perfection, stacking is much more efficient.