Going pro on the 'goose. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atx2I8ZZtIU&feature=channel_page&fmt=18 AmercanPsycho: Sniper DeathToll77: Driver Youtube
THIS JUST IN: ME & INSANE54 challenge you to a mongoose snipe-off! Muhaahahahahahahahahaha! btw nice snipe.
Awesome. That was pure awesome. I wish I was that good. I can't even snipe a guy out of warthog while I'm standing still and scoping and you did it on a mongoose with a no-scope. Props.
I've done better things off the back of a mongoose before. >.> Also, these guys win: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPdIRCUigJA
Vorpal- Lord Mongoose is quite the beast. I've "goosed?" with him before and did some pretty cool things. We played a game of High Ground 1 flag and I got on a goose then Lord Mongoose grabbed a brute shot and launched us through the turret structure. He's crazy.
Haha That would be so insanely (pun) funny! Also it was a very awesome sniper, its very rare for something like that to happen, if you do it again, I will be double impressed, but good job!
w00t I was in the party while you did that; you should do a video with more 'goose headshots, just like the turret guy one in the game after this, it was awesome too. so... Just saw Zanitors comment. He did it in the next game again. On Rats Nest. whatever...