Compound 42B Created by TrueDarkFusion Currently the most downloaded Zombie map. This map that has a fortress built out of large boxes and containers on the beach. The fortress itself has been called one of the best ever built. Humans spawn on the beach and must walk to the large fortifications, and zombies spawn closer to the wheel. Use of both turrets is vital for human survival. It's best to download the Zombie Swarm variant for this map. Download Compound 42B Download Zombie Swarm Variant
I had a problem with my fort toppling over. So I added some weapon holders and had to delete some weapons and it works great now. although it was funny when someone was using a floating turret.
It's pretty easy to fall behind the base either on the water side or on the wall side and get stuck. And with friendly fire off, you can't rescue a teammate who has fallen back there.
Well if that's the case, it's a bit of a pain when the things respawn in the wrong order. So I made mine not fall over.
Yavi and I were actually talking about doing a redux of the map because this was one of the first maps we ever made and since then have gotten a lot better at forging. What do you guys think?
yea by todays standards this is just an average zombie fortress type map, nothing spectacular, when it came out it was but I think it can be greatly improved.
When we played this a couple of days ago it was actually the first time I'd every tried it. It was epic. I remember you saying you were unhappy with it now forging had moved on, and I suppose there are a few things you could do to patch it up, but at the end of the day it's a great map whether it's improved or not. I'd still play it loads more even if you left it how it is. And t3h first.
FIRST! Ahem, yeah, I think a remake would be fairly awesome. It'd be like cookies...and milk...and a cartoon thrown in. Let's do this (LEROOOOOY!!!!).
I love this map. I'll probably keep both, unless the changes are minimal. The zombies always complain at the start cuz they can never get to the fortress. I changed the alpha zombie speed a little and everyone was happy.