By Agamer93 & CaMOfo Download Todem Download Conquest V3 Submitted into the Conquest Forgeoff by myself and CaMOfo I bring to you our creation Todem. The name of our map originates back to Totem Poles which occasionally tend to have a bird on them. Todem has a phoenix located right in the middle territory of the map. Which is one of the reasons for the name of the map. Otherwise, Todem is a seven territory Conquest map made specifically for the Conquest Forgeoff. With Todem we tried to give a reminiscent feeling of Cellars to it. Like Cellars, Todem has a similar like close quarters combat feeling to it. On Todem five out of the seven territories are invisible yet they can still be captured how conquest is intended for. While some times Todem can bring hectic battles to it there is always a way to get out of the situation. Right as you arrive on Todem you shall already be conquering land. From this picture you'll see what the spawn rooms look like. Todem is a symmetrical map so there are no differences for either teams. After you have spawned you will be entering into the first hallway on the map. As you reach the end of the first hallway you will notice the brute shot at the end on the wall and sniper rifle placed on the wall on the right side. By the time your last guy turns this hallway your team should have captured the first territory. After making the turn from the first territory you shall be entering into the second territory and the second room. As soon as you step foot in the room the first weapon that is usually picked up is the floating plasma pistol. In there you will also find a table holding dual plasma rifles and dual sub machine guns. Upon leaving the room there is a Battle Rifle leaning against the wall leading into the third territory. The battle begins on the third territory for both sides which is where you have your first encounter with the opposing team. The third territory is a long hall way which consists of both of each teams third territory. There is an interlocked window panel on both sides to provide you with little cover. There is a window separating the two sides from each other. With a good sniper on your team you can hold off the opposing team for a little bit. But be weary there are spike grenades that spawn at the beginning of your hallway and the other weapons provided and seen in the above pictures are enough to take him/her out. The third territory is also the only territory on the map where a flag is actually seen, and it pops out of the wall. Upon leaving the hectic hallway as I like to call it you will be walking up hill to the middle of the map. The window as seen in the two pictures above extends to about halfway up the ramps up to the middle territory. Now you have finally arrived at the central territory on Todem. The only territory on the map that is elevated amongst the rest of the territories. Which the central territory also includes the phoenix made out of weapons. Below are two screenshots taken on the middle territory. Two additional screen shots. Thanks to all who helped. -CaMOfo: Thank you for collaborating with me on this map. -Vorpal Saint: For reccomending to put cover in the main hallway. -AZN FTW: For showing exactly how the flow of Conquest should be played and showing me exactly how the territories should be set up. -o Providence o: Reccomending to change a couple things, pointing out that one of the walls can be raised up so that I didn't need to use any additonal walls, and money glitching several items. -All of my friends and people who helped test Todem.
I don't really get the layout of this but the forging looks very good. I really like the aesthetics of the weapons under the fence box, very original. I'll definitely DL this because it looks very interesting and seems very fun. Woot - First Post!
this looks really sick man... i like the forging and definitely like the artistic logo underneath the fence box.... i also like the line of site between the 2 hallways... great job man this is an easy 5/5...
Very nice AGamer. I did not know you were making this, I will have to get on Halo and give it a shot.
Looks pretty good. I bet it could offer some unique gameplay with the window. I'll definitely download this once I start playing Halo again. Also, I know you spent alot of time making this, but it would be great if you had like an overview screenshot with the roof taken off, just so everyone could see the entire layout. You may not have the time, but just a suggestion. And no thanks to me!? What about all my support on Skype saying "Go get 'em, Tiger," and "You can do it! Don't give up!" Remember that?
wow... i cant believe i never thought of making a logo in a fence box... well i probly wouldnt have made anything good-looking cuz im a horrible artist w/ weapons... o well onto the map... it looks really great from wat i can tell... i mite have to get some friends together and try this one out nice forging
Besides the smooth interlocking. The main piece that cought my attention, and probally did to mny others. Is the symbol under the fencebox. Love it man.
This may be ONE of the most pleaseing maps Ive ever layed eyes on. Asthetics: Its beautiful very smooth interlocking. The symbo,l i cant believe it hasnt been done simply amazing but dont think im sucking up cuz this review isnt over! Gameplay: Very nice for a conquest map. The game play may be off though because the map is to small and narrow. I know conquest maps are supposed to be narrow but this may be a little to small. Any way Ill check it out and see for myself.
I played this during the Contest judging and although it was well-built, and technically balanced, it wasn't very conquest-y. The middle territory (because of the uphill slant) was very easy to defend, leaving no incentive to continue onward and demolish the other team (in fear of losing said advantage). Furthermore, the incorporation of the open slit-wall that divides the two halves of the map made it extremely easy to defend with a simple sniper rifle, one could just camp near their spawn and keep the other team from ever reaching the center territory. It was fun, but the strategy that most conquest maps employ (mentioned above) was disregarded for mere camping.
Oh hey you finally posted it! I download and played this map when you put it up in the contest submission thread. I really liked the look and feel of Todem, because it was so simple and clean. As for conquest, it didn't play too well, but it was still a lot of fun. I agree with the guy above me, the middle territory doesn't work too well because of the open gap between the hallways. And like everyone else, i think you did a great job on the bird in the floor (except i though it was a scorpion until i read your description!). The weapons were well placed too. I think that this map would be a bit better with only five territories and shield doors inside of the gap/shooting slot. Overall, great conquest map, sir!
Very nice map Agamer... I remember we were testing this the other day or week or w/e.... I can't really see if you did in the screenshots, but did you do like we suggested? Did you put shield doors in the center at various points for better cover? I remember, the main thing that I didn't love in this map, was that it running through that hectic area became almost instant death and there was little cover... That was really my only complaint. After that, it was a great map, and I love that weapon guy in the ground, great aesthetic piece. XD
theres not supposed to be a lot of cover in conquest, lol. havent had the chance to play it yet, but it looks good.
Todem looks extremely good. When I mean good, I mean eye-popping aesthetics and mouth-watering game play =)). That Scorpion is wicked!!! This looks like such a well planned map with efficient cover and some useful slits for nading. After looking around on this, I really thought that this would win the contest, but sadly, it didn't. I simply cannot wait for the excitement this map will deliver when I play it. Great job man.
Good but try to stay true to conquest form in such that your not supposed to shoot at the enemy as they advance! It can be good but almost the whole is not good and takes away from it being a conquest game. It might still be good but I won't DL it because it is not true conquest sorry 4/5 I like the weapon spider in the floor though.
this is the only conquest map from the contest that I haven't seen yet.. and I've heard real good stuff about it. Looks cool from the screens, so Im definitely gonna have to give it a DL and have a look around. Ill get back to ya
This map has great aesthetics and a cool idea but it just doesn't play out as well as you thin it does. Our team literally could not get out of our base when we tested with you because we were just all being killed by the sniper. When the sniper ran out of ammo it was actually quite enjoyable.