sidewinder was very snowy and cottonball will have winter skins show in this weekly update: EDIT: o wow wtf i thote i posted in halo discussion. can some1 plz move it?
I really hope it is Sidewinder, and those skins look chill. Pun intended. (I still don't get how chill is a good thing though but everyone else seems to say it and I like puns).
but then again, these vehicles could be in moonlight sonata because next to nothing is known about it
Its gona be like containment, not sidewinder. We have already been told that it is bigger than Sandtrap, and the biggest map they have made. Sidewinder isnt the biggest. Also they said they arnt making remakes. So its not sidewinder. Its a very big, symmetrical, base like map, with snow. Thats all we know.
and is comical with out vehicles, you could go to the other base on contanment with out vehicle really easily. and side winder was biger then contanment.
Well if its big, blank, and boring, but has plenty of static objects, I think a lot of people would be happy. Especially if there were enough to block off certain sections.
How was sidewinder bigger than containment. Pretty close in size, but containment was so much bigger.
It's not containment. Old podcasts I believe lend to the notion that Sidewinder is a favourite in bungie. Although containment would be cool, there isn't really room for hornets IMO. Sidewinder is a lot more open, therefore, more vehicles.
The last podcast practiclly confirmed it was a remake withouth actually saying it in those exact words. Plus, everyone who plays Halo loves Sidewinder. Containment is just, meh.
They actually said they were remaking an old map, and it was one of the staff's favorite map (can't remember who) which was known to be sidewinder. I don't know if you have played H1 lately, but Sidewinder is huge. Containment had bigger bases, which may make it seem larger, but you could easily walk from one base to another. They also said that it was an old fan favorite, and I don't recall Containment being too popular (outside of glitching out of it to the top of the map :squirrel_giggle. Also, you say it is symmetrical, and Sidewinder is much closer to symmetrical than Containment. Containment's bases were very different and so were the caves on each side.
Wait, if it's not Sidewinder, and it's not Containment...then clearly it's snow-covered COAG! Ha. Ha. What a joke. But seriously, it could be just a bigger Valhalla (fail) covered in snow, a.k.a. snow-covered Coag.
or it could be the inside of a gigantic freezer .. like from those video games with the plastic soldiers