Working on a new (interesting) project

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Master Debayter, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Well I personally think there is many **** Zombeh maps out there so you never know!

    And my opinion is this isn't going to have a good ent to it.
  2. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    There have been several **** zombie maps released but they we are forged relatively carelessly. They did not have the same mechanics as the real game and aesthetics were pretty bad. In this version we have planned the layout accordingly and have a working random weapon box. Aesthetics are also very important and that is what I am working on at the moment.

    In the **** Zombie map there are several piles of junk laying against the wall and various scenery objects scattered throughout the map. Below are some shots of geomerged movable objects that I made on the sample map while waiting for master debaytor to get back.





    The objects would sometimes move around a little bit so I placed receiver nodes on top of them.

    I also redid the fence window to make it look more like in the game. It is a bit wide here and so we might just make it 1/2 or 3/4 as long.


    Hopefully all this can be implemented into the final version without reaching the item limit...
  3. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Thank you so much for posting pictures. I hope you read my post. =)

    Anyways, this map looks really good. I was wondering, how are you going to impliment the weapons that you buy off the wall, not the weapon box?
  4. Tornroot

    Tornroot Ancient
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    Put the corresponding weapons at the right places?

    Merged movable scenery will make this map even better, which didn't seem possible :D
  5. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    I'm talking about the buying process. If you have them on the wall with no buying process thingy, people would just run to their favorite weapon and pick it up, then be armed.
  6. Tornroot

    Tornroot Ancient
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    Yes but is such a thing even possible in Halo 3? You can't actually make a process like that and plus the weapons on the first floor aren't brilliant and they (probably) couldn't instantly go to the power weapons etc because they could simply delay the deployable grav spawn.
  7. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Ok, so I couldn't hand over the map to RivalMass due to the fact that I can't get a connection for my Xbox. The good news is that I'm getting a brand new interenet connection for the new house on Tuesday, and I'm getting Comcast this time ;) (much better than AT&T, what I used to have). Maybe I'll actually be able to have RivalMass in the same game as me with this new connection =O. If this is the case, then expect this map to be done at a much faster pace with both of us forging in the same game. Also, I still need to redownload Foundry so I can use it... so I can't work on it in the meantime. RivalMass is generally offering pictures that give a good preview of how the aesthetics of the map will be after he gets his forging hands on it (lol). Until then, all I can say is I'll see you all Tuesday (possibly Wednesday or later if something goes wrong during the setup).
  8. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    for the ramp for the windows i have made a solution for at least 4 windows
    Step 1:
    Geomerge a sign 2 times using the long sides with the little circle thing
    (door handle)

    STEP 2:
    Interlock another sign slightly with the previous one. Place the 2 sign flat on the ground so that the invisible bump lifts the side you're interlocking up. Like so:

    The other invisible bump will lift the zombies to walkover the the geomerged sign.

    thats what im currently doing for my windows so the zombies can only enter, it's quick and easy to do.
  9. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    I made a **** Zombie map on foundry but its not the greatest and has been shrunk due to the fact that foundry doesn't provide enough materials or room... I put two barrels on top of eachother and a weapon holder on top, and zombies have to break through that. For the random weapon box, I simply put a weapon holder and weapons that spawn after so long. Of course mine is not that great but my friends enjoy playing it. Its in my file share if you want to check it out... again its ok but its still fun.
  10. R3pentance

    R3pentance Ancient
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    hey rivalmass would it be possible for you to post some pictures of the cave because the ones you've done it doesnt look like you've done very much, no offense but i'm sure everyone would want to see the cave.
  11. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    No offense taken. I don't have the latest version of the map and the old version I had got deleted. Master Debaytor has the real one and due to internet problems we are having problems sending it. He is forging locally at the moment and expects to get his internet working soon.

    The pictures I took come from a new map that I made from scratch to show general aesthetics and try out new things. Because of this I have not included all the parts of the map. The cave is on Master's version and I have yet to recreate it on the new test map because I think it works fine on his.
  12. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Ok, I'm now connected to the internet now, but it will take a while for me to connect my Xbox to Live. However, I'm completely back onto Forgehub, and I'll return to being the active member I was before. The problem is that I don't think that I'm hosting the wireless connection through my house yet (yes, my computer is hosting the connection). I need to hook up my wireless router first, which I need to find and unpack the wires to plug everything in. So, give me a while, and I'll be able to get back to forging on the map.
  13. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    Well i'm glad to hear that we can get things going again. I was just wondering how many items you have left at the current build of the map. In order to recreate the aesthetics that I posted I will nee some double walls and fence walls left over...
  14. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    I'm fairly excited. If you guys could, I would love if you posted a date that you want this map to come out. I'm afraid if you guys get it out after the Mythic Map Pack, all the Sandbox maps will competely cover Foundry, and your map won't get noticed at all.

    (On the lighter side, you guys could enter this into next year's technical contest, for the random weapons box that seems oh-so impossible to build in my head.)
  15. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I don't think we need to worry about the aesthetics until after the main structures of the map have been build. It'll be like putting the flesh on a skeleton, so to speak.

    Honestly, with all of the Sandbox maps coming out, the release of this map will have people remember all of the possibilities that Foundry brings to forge, and that it can still make good maps. There will be a time where all maps are made on Sandbox (sort of like how most maps were on Foundry a couple of weeks ago) and this map may be one of the few Foundry maps that people are willingly to keep on their harddrive. So, I'm ok with a later release date, it'll still be fine if the map comes out as good as it's supposed to be.

    P.S. When we release it, you'll see how simple the random weapon box really is. It'll be easily recreated and I'm sure that RivalMass will want to post it in its own thread in the Aesthetic Maps section (right? I would if I were you).
  16. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Even if it is extremely simple, there are some switches that are simple just not thought of yet. Look at Gravity Well. Not too hard, but still amazing. This is definitely one of those.

    Edit: I hope you two realize you're starting a trend.
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yep, it really is.
  18. R3pentance

    R3pentance Ancient
    Senior Member

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    okay i understand now
  19. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I'm able to connect to Live again (I did it last night since I realized that my map and gametype went onto favorties ^_^). This time around, I can't connect to Live and use my computer at the same time... But my connection on Live is WAY better than before. I can actually connect to some people who I couldn't before. RivalMass wasn't online last night though, so I couldn't check to see if he could connect to me. XP

    I'll be working mainly on Friday and partially on Sunday on the map. Saturday is full of things that I have to do, so I won't be on. At least not on my Xbox anyway. ;) *hint, hint*
  20. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    When you next get on to check this, I want you to post the progress of your map, and then get started working on it again. I can't wait until this map is done.:sick:

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