Hey folks, I'm new here, so I hope I'm posting this right. Made this map pretty much after I got the three, and it can be downloaded here. The map is set up for Slayer and CTF. I maxed out my object usage before I could add more gametypes; those two should be the most appropriate for this map tho. And here are some screenshots for your viewing pleasure! Birds eye view: there's a little island to the right you can't see that holds a teleporter and some goodies. And a closer look at the bases: The Red Castle: The Blue Temple: A closer look at the walking path (tunnel between bases). Each tunnel going to the respective base is marked blue or red because without them you'd get pretty confused! And once again you can't quite see that little island but you can see the jumper going to it. Inside the tunnels: And a shot from way out on that tiny little island: It's a fun, yet dangerous map since if your not paying attention at a lot of places you'll end up falling--and if you take a man cannon at a bad angle you'll miss everything completely. It's set up for slayer and Capture the Flag (as I said at the top)---I'm sure CTF will be alot of fun one to play simply because of the challenge involved and the amount of teamwork needed for such a feat; would be nice to try...providing I had more then my wife to play on it with Would very much appreciate the feedback
WOW THAT IS ONE POWERFULL PLASMA NADE! lol kidding im not that dumb this is a fun map but its not that creavtive, make a bit of veriety and it would be more fun. nice try though over all score: 2/5 sorry if i was a bit rude.
far too small didnt play well at all i didnt enjoy the mancannons because people could camp on the other side, it was also sloppy you could have interlocked to fix that not sure if you do know if not check out BL00D F1R3s forge school it has helped me with my forging alot
well like the bad foundry maps were empty spaces, now the bad sandbox ones are one way narrow walkways. The temple/castled are really good, but there is only one way to get to them. There needs to be some variety or it will get boring. don't overuse the deathpit. it is there to let you not have to block off maps, not so that you constantly fall. good luck on your next map, and remember more pathways.
Haha, yeah, biggest plasma grenade evar. Anyway, thanks for the input. Not sure how much more I can do to it with my objects maxed out. Was built to be a straightforward map...that I built on a whim really, no plan. Thanks for the input. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by interlocking, but if it's merging objects together, I did a little of that, but not as much as I could have I guess. And I don't think camping the cannons would be very productive for anybody here since the map is set up for long/medium range shooting and the cannons are pretty much out in the open. Thanks for the input. Like I said above, my objects are maxed and another walkway couldn't happen. Though it's a bit of the point to have only one way to go to do what you need to do, it forces fights I guess. And I wasn't trying to overuse the deathpit, really just built it on the fly.