Convoy Escape "Sandbox"

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by jumpathon, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
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    Convoy Escape

    By: MoNsTeR skillz

    Description: Salvation is not an option survive and kill all of the zombies!

    NOTE: None of the images have been manipulated in anyway except for text in the first picture!

    The object of the game: defend against the zombies in pitch black conditions while they run at you in amazingly fast speeds! It helps to have teammates in the car with you at all times to help kill the zombies and make sure to use this map to your radar to your advantage you may not be able to see anything but your radar can! Zombies are 1 shot! IF you get lost out in the dunes go towards the shinny beacon at the middle a.k.a the base!

    Recommended People 6-16

    Pics: [​IMG]
    closing in on human
    still trying but can not seem to get him
    Say your prayers
    Map link is too my fileshare only because I am banned from bungie forums for a 7 day period!

    Map: Halo 3 File Details


    Halo 3 File Details
    #1 jumpathon, Mar 8, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2009
  2. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    1 is going on?

    Your pictures don't suffice at showing anything, and I sincerely hope they are edited with some filter in photoshop elst you won't be able to actually see anything in game.

    It doesn't have a description of the game, nor the rules, nothing.

    Redo it.
  3. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    he says that the pics are not edited, and anyways what is there to show? Its a dark map that zombies kill humans. He doesnt list the specific rules, but he does say that zombies are fast and die in one hit, read closer before saying things like that.

    When it comes to the map, i think it could be fun. Its incredibly simple, but could be amusing. One suggestion would be to give the zombies a secondary weapon, so they can try to hide without the sword giving them away. And also did you block the turrets?
  4. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    It would probably be a good idea to take pictures of your map, without the filters. I would also add a description of your map, and some more screenshots depicted the map and not what seems to be warthog.
  5. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    I like how you start criticizing me, when your post is after the EDIT he made on my request.

    Anywho, the writeup is a bit anemic, but I strongly suggest, as the Cheat said, to take pics of the map sans filters in order to show what players are getting into.
  6. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
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    Thank you guys for the backup and the compliments i will try to get more pics up! I would put a secondary weapon for zombies but the weapons are instant kill so gravity hammer even though would be good would be too powerful!

    Everybody play nice were all friends here
  7. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    i like it!...just like shut up and drive, but dark.. once i get the maps it will be the second map i the zombies go faster than the cars?.. and is there some kind of track to follow or is it just a blank sanbox with rules???

    i will have fun playing this.
  8. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
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    there is no path to follow just an armory at the base and the dunes that are infested with zombies! Im glad lionsnate132 likes it and his comment is exactly what i was going for!
  9. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Um.. I can't see anything lol. I'll download just for the sake of being able to actually see what the map is like.
  10. Arbiter343

    Arbiter343 Ancient
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    ah man i just had an idea like this, you beat me to it lol, i made the map and everything but you beat me to the post lol
  11. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH ARE YOU SERIOUS there has been no thought what so ever put into this map you cant just make a SMALL (not even a larger structure) in the center of the map and make it dark and call it a map, this map is honestly an awful map... in the futur think tactics, what people what, what sort of cover should i provid, who would want to play this map, why did i make it dark(lol)
  12. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    shut it berk!
    people like these maps, at least people who like custom games. this map is like if youve ever played smear the pinkie. its the simple map that keeps on giving. and if youve played shut up and drive then you would like this 10x better, there is a stucture/ garage thingish thingy in the center and bases.
    True, it might be better with some small stuctures for the zombies to hide behind, but i think that this is one of the best maps ever. the darkness really adds to it.. sure, maybe if there was no filter then it would just be another map just like the one on sandtrap, but this one is different, its better. the darkness adds a whole new reason to play. it is more fair for the zombies and it gives it some suspense,(i wish the zombies could some how be given night vision, and not for the humans)then the humans have to try not to run into a blockade of zombies in the dark, where you can barely see.
    You dont know this map until you play it, i was almost just gonna not even take a look at this until i thought how genious this gametype is the best sandtrap map ive seen so far!
  13. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
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    thank you at least somebody sees the ingenious in my map also the night vision thing was the problem i ran into so i gave the humans overshields so they were easier to see and gave the zombies instant kill so that the humans would still die 1 hit!

    also im a berk learn how to spell future right retard! "in the futur think tactics" lol go back to the 3rd grade oh i forgot your already in it
  14. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    Kinda going against what you just said :p

    Anyways "im a berk" has a point. How can you expect people to comment and give constructive criticism on a map that for all we can see it black. Like others said, get some picture without the filter and some of the armory.

    What I can say is it that maybe the humans could get flares to help see if there are any zombies and that way that could make a "camp" or something.
  15. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    When taking picture of a map that is as heavily
    Filtered as this, you might want to think about
    taking them off. I cant really give you an
    opinion until then.
  16. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    well that statement about all being friends and not fighting went with another argument...

    but flares would be a good idea for the humans...or maybe like flame grenades at the bases to make some visible fire...

    and the overshields is a good idea...
  17. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
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    what berk said was not ment for criticism is was insulting and uncalled for! i was going to put down flares for the zombies actually but it just wasn't worth it the chance of finding one of the flares in a huge pitch black area is very unlikely. the whole map is based on an idea where you are in a small shack that happens to have a armory! its not ment for people to camp there! also i a not able to put pictures of the map without filters because i can only go on on the weekends due to high school!

    P.s The reason i made the map really dark was for the sole purpose of making that creepy dark insecure feeling. so that you cant tell if zombies are miles away or right next to you! ill post a video A.S.A.P ( but ill need people to play with first any helpers wana be in a youtube video!)
  18. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Okay, after running around on the map without filters, I can honestly say that it still needs work. The filter is way too dark, so why don't you just put a Gloomy Filter down? It'll make it dark and foreboding, yet you will still be able to see the enemy more clearly.

    You could also add more structures out in the dunes for cover for the Zombies.

    Overall, I give this map a 2/5. Just add a little more to it. It just seems way too dull.
  19. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    idiot yeti... youre not supposed to be able to see the zombies...DUFUS!!!(or however you spell it...)

    oh oh me..!!! ill test it, well actually i dont have the maps, so thats a nono till they come out...but maybe i can get em on ebay!
  20. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
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    thanks for the suggestion but i might make a ramp or two for humans in the dunes but its the kind of map that if you liked the old version on sandtrap you would like it. its just a very down to earth and simple map. as you can well tell some people like some people dont its just all about opinion. If simple but fun infection maps with a twist suit your tastes then fine and if you dont like maps like fine then dont download this map but i garuntee you that if you play with a lot of people its guaranteed to give you some laughs and alot of fun, forging it isn't going to show the true fun and longevity of gameplay of the map!

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