sorry if this has already been adressed, as i havent been one to keep up with the sandbox news. i have recently started a new map, on the middle tier, and i was using dreams OLN canvas, but when i set one of the OLN items on place at start NO, then when i force spawned it it wasnt where i had placed it to be interlocked. it spawned back where the origional saved version had placed it, in the bottom crypt, along with it not being able to be grabable, until the next game or somehow being spawned again. i tried a side by side comparison of OLN items(thats the ones that were origionally on the sandbox normal variant) and regular spawned ones that were never there before being spawned. i tried to interlock one OLN wall with another, and the problem occured, and the other interlocked and appeared in place perfectly. this problem only occurs with OLN items. has this problem happened to you, and or do you know how to prevent it?
These is no way around this. I don't really use the crypt items until later. You can make the default items late spawn, just start a new round and wait a few secs..
It happened to me too, with a Skybubble OLN Canvas. I just deleted everything and it still works good.
Hmm, I heard of this happening when staff got the maps early, but no one really linked it to the OLN items at first. However, this does make sense, and would explain the glitch and how to avoid it. I suggest using the items last, or using them to replace pre-existing items. Use OLN items to interlock into other items, not to have items interlocked into them or else the glich will occure. Now, say if you have 3 interlocked double blocks, and you need 1 that you can safely set to spawn later. Set the two on the outside to spawn later. Then create a corner brace around the middle one, remove it, and replace it with an OLN double block instead, then spawn the other two. This may be confusing at times, and can be time consuming, but it will be the best way to get the most out of your items.
That could work. I mean it would be difficult for people who are a long way into their maps already, but if they ran out of their objects, It just does make it work out. Too bad the OLN couldn't have been higher.
ok, i understand. thanks guys. ill just try to refrain from using them until later, or use them how youve suggested sweeny. would just deleting them be such a bad idea though? im not really familiar with the consequences or deleting the OLN items.
It depends on how big your map is really. If it going to be a floating BTB map, I might suggest against it, but if it is a smaller map and you know how it looks beforehand, then it should be good enough to delete. Save a version of your map before deleteing if you do, just incase.
is it like, if you delete it, then you cannot use the materials that you deleted, so deleting it has no use? or is it like if i delete it, then i have more money, but fewer items? my map is large, about as big as utah mambo
You have about 200 object is it on the original OLN? Something like that. That is 200 more objects than the normal OLN will allow. If you delete 1, then you only have +199 items over the OLN you can go, etc. Most people often hit the OLN on the expanded OLN before they hit their budget, so I would suggest against removing those original 200 items until the end. Also, witht he canvas you have several weapons, grenades, vehicles and equipment out already. This allows you to have a safe ammount of weapons already there incase you hit the budget or OLN sooner than you expect. Also, you have plenty of spawn points.
ok, i think i understand the OLN now, delete them as late as possible if i cannot use them. such a shame they had to be so messed up.