Ive been working on this a while as this came in mind once when i was on foundry but was hard to make as you wouldnt die when you fell of so i waited for another map to come out and sandbox was the perfect map. What i have made is a derby map (bumper cars) but with different levels 2-6 players and heres some pics below; Mancannons spawn after 10secs into the game. catch some air The Map you can download from; Halo 3 File Details the game type can be downloaded from; Halo 3 File Details enjoy tell me what you think.
Looks great! I like the bridge going up gives you a better advantage. Um is it just king of the hill or can it support the monster truck game type. Looks clean and plays well. Good job 4.5/5. Oh ya maybe a kill ball might make it a better challenge, I don't know. One more thing,most people don't like it when you vote on your own poll. Just a tip.
Im pretty sure it would could support the monster truck game type i wouldnt see why not as its a similar game. Should try it and tell me if it does would be much appreciated. Im sorry about the poll thing get carried away being new and all.
looks great! maybe for more special effects, you could make a couple structures two box lengths above everything else to add for some AWESOME effects. and to make the map look less bland I also like the idea of two levels in the center. Way better than the generic rectangle with a bunch of vehicles piled everywhere. You have a DL from me!
good try on this but its a bit plane maybe if you added something like a killball in the middle of all the levels and also added some red lights on it it would be great but ill dl and have a try.this map gave me an idea 2 if any1 can remember that tourney map on foundry where you kill some1 and then 60 secs into game the stairs appears and you fight some1 else like that but bumper cars style on snadbox what you think
lol, this is a really good bumper cars stage. I like where you put the mancannons. pherhaps you should have put mancannons in the corners of the other top platform.