Longshire Lonshire is a slayer/ctf map suited above sanbox in the skybubble which means if you fall off you die the map is perfectly symetrical so its the same on both side the map features a structure at the middle front of the map with 3 levels of action the map has a banshee which you have to take a teleporter to get to the map has many pathways that have you going to different levels so the fight doesnt get boring the map is very fast paced and fun and i really enjoyed making and testing it. Download here http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3Us...ileid=68839322 Recomended players: 4-10 Vehicle Loadout: Banshee x1 Weapon Loadout: BR x9 Carbine x6 Laser x1 Sniper x1 Needler x1 Shotgun x1 Mauler x2 Plasma Pistol x3 Plasma Rifle x4 Spiker x2 SMG x2 Power Drainer x2 Bubble Shield x1 Regenerator x1 Grenade loadout: Frag x8 plasma x15 Recommended Gametypes: Team slayer Team oddball FFA multi bomb neutral bomb Pics: overview Red base exact same as blue base Looking at top mid Laser base Looking at banshee spawn from laser the path options from the bases each exactly the same main structure needler/sniper spawn main structure tunell or sniper spawn veiw of back top (note to banshee'rs) doesn't work every time ME Lastly I would like to thank my testers, Cosmic rick, Qrangeremi, xIOM Capt roflx xIOMx Soldier J, MEA xOVERKILLx, Meaflardmustang, pvilleplaya, and everyone I couldn't remember Download here http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=68839322
Looks good, loks like it will play well, not to mention well forged, But i think the banshee is overkill.
This looks like it is few boxes above the grid which is good. All the skybubble maps I've seen have the floor right on top of the grid which is kind of weird if you fall off and die immediately. The map looks very good. All the forging is very good and the layout looks phenomenal. I'll DL this for sure. EDIT* No DL link... please fix.
*EDIT: ok sorry about that guys download is now there Darkfalcon-Looks good, loks like it will play well, not to mention well forged, But i think the banshee is overkill. Believe it or not it isn't at all it actually goes perfect with the map
Ok so i was wrong but regardless it's a good map, I now think that the layout really supports the use of the banshee, sorry.
very good map the gameplay was fun still havent fully tested it so i might come back to my comment but so far from my gameplay experience i have not problems with this map
I like it but it could be neater. Gameplay is great and even though it is somewhat sloppy it is appealing to my eyes 4.7/5