I took all of these shots on Sandbox with Juicy FX on in front of kill balls with blue lights next to the spartan. Enjoy. =) Here you go! (Click names to DL) Silence Hardcore Iced Emerge Power Savior Please Download and Comment.
My favorite is Power it looks really cool. I give all the pics a 4/5. I think that if you ould make the spartans not look pink it would look cooler.
Yeah my armor color was red when i took these. Some of them look red some look pink. IDK. The whole theme was pink so...
I like Silece because the killball has no background colour which makes it stand out more. Good job 5/5
Oh my goodness, these are gorgeous! My favorite is ice, because it has my favorite color in it! Keep up the good work.
Sandbox is like the best map ever! I mean what isn't there here. Map production availability,screenshot taking,and many new features.. As for the pictures.Nothing new here.My fav is Savior and my least fav is emerge. Overall love 'em.
i love sandbox its so easy to take bright shots. but how many people are gunna name their screenshot "savior" lawl.
Yeah Sandbox is really good for taking pictures. There's a lot of variety with effects but the backgrounds are kind of suckish.
you know, a full body shot of "Savior" with no effects on would be pretty cool. It has my fave pose, but I like power the most. Effects are to dramatic for my taste though :/ 4/5