Thank you very much sir! This is, by, far the most valuable comment so far! Okay, first of all, I'm not exactly sure how he got out of the map... Did you watch the film? If you were playing that round with an open xbox live party, he may have joined part-way through the game and started out there. I think that is a possibility because there were sometimes similar issues when that happened during my games. So i suggest closing the party once the game has started if that is the case. As for easy, i agree, its a noob map through and through =P but I had to include something easy to fit everyone's skill level out there. I'm sure for some people, this map works best (no offense to those people of course). But hey, give the zombies longer durability for their respawn traits, and it'll fix you right up! Also, the overhanging fence walls in the back, the zombies can sometimes lunge staight through them without crouching so its not totally safe. I'm definitely going to construct a mythic map once Sandbox gets here. Although its not on the top of my forging priority list, i could use some experience building other maps before I start it. Thanks again for the awesome feedback, I really appreciate it! And thanks to everyone else as well!
all of these maps look epic. i already downloaded all of them. forging is flawless and has some of the best interlocking i have ever seen. the only thing i really have to say to improve is that the only way the zombies can come in is by a little gate. perhaps on legendary you can add another gate above the first one so zombies can sorta jump farther into the map before dying. i'm not saying one on the ceiling, just directly above the first gate. i'm not sure if you would be able to fix it in because you were such a show off with your interlocking, but consider it. also, i agree that you should add a "mythic" room. it would be epic. my idea is that you can have three different entries to the room the humans stay in, all in front of the human's point of "spawn view". perhaps on in the middle, one in the left, and one in the right. the room itself could offer little protection and have a "crater" effect. if you don't know what i mean, you can have a flat room with a sort of curved hole in the middle that has little platforms you have to jump on to get out of the crater. for protection you could have like 3 or 4 doors all the way in the back that create a little barrier for the humans to stay.
I just downloaded these and their a blast! They all bring back my old halo 2 memories of camping in a room with everyone =D. Great idea with the geo-merged light. I remember one of my friends saying "Its like the little blast door from I Am Legend, except its locked and we're ****ed!" XD. Sorry if that wasnt funny to you but it was hilarious at the time. Keep on forging awesome maps like this. I cant wait to see what else you can come up with.
When I first saw this I thoughts, "Bad idea." Then I reads and plays Legendary, and I says to myselfs, "Oh, the ammo is limited. Damn." This was great, and I found the ascetics very nice, almost arousing. (jk) Make a mythic level, and my life is perfect for the next few days. 4.5/5, cus nuthins purfect nowadays. I love watching the bodies gather. If only Bungie made it so bodies would stack on top of each other...
I love infection but, this looks kinda of annoying to the zombies, going through that doorway and the humans just sitting around bring genocide upon the zombies. The interlocking looks nice and clean and the map looks good and well worked on.
Dang man its so much like old school zombies in halo 2 lol youve just gotta play it with red humans and green zombies and you'll be set! i do miss all the little hiding spots and things you could knock over and hit in front of the door in foundation but this is still great, good job. and nice ceiling too lol youve got the right to show it off
i just downloaded these,its actually really good(even though there tiny),but the ceiling(on legendary)is just awesome.ive not yet had a chance to play them in a real game as i am a loner.and i also had a look at some of your other maps,great work.
These maps look great for gameplay, but was really amazes me about your maps is the way you are able to interlock and merge everything to perfection. Like the picture where you show off your ceiling, that is amazing. I haven't downloade3d these maps yet because I'm not big on infection, but I downloaded of the essence, and that was great.
I personally do not like these maps. When I played them with my friends I got pissed off. When you're zombie you're screwed. The humans easily kill you and you have no cover. These maps=
These are all great but they look pretty similar. Why not try them on Sandbox? You can do it with the towers, in the Skybubble, the Crypt, outside or inside the boundaries, there are plenty of options!