Mythic DLC Ishimura

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DRiSCOLL, Mar 8, 2009.


    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Created By DRiSCOLL
    Gametypes: Conquest v3
    Recommended Party Size: 10 Players

    Download Ishimura

    Video coming soon.

    In Space only the dead survive...

    I had the original idea awhile ago when the first screens for orbital were released. Forge wise, in orbital your not given much to work with. But I'm glad I was first to prove that geo-merging is possible, tedious it may be in the small environments, getting it right is well worth the time.

    This may be a conquest map, but plays slightly different to any other, the long hallways and tight corners for close quoter combat works well together. any that has played will agree.

    When you start off you are treated to first shots on your opponent and a glance at whats in store. Even though conquest is all about Shear brute force, the map comes with its tactics, that make the goal of winning that slight more in reach.

    The center territory is about the same distance from each base, and each side is treated to the same weapons. Yet some will take more effort than the other base. The reason for this was taking orbitals landscape into consideration. The sniper in one base is in the corner, but the sniper in the other is in straight sight. By the time a player from the upper tier has taken the sniper, the other team will have theres, or will be out of sight from the window that overlooks.

    After testing, surprisingly the second territory that the window overlooks is balanced, with the height advantage a good sniper is deadly, but there are many ways to work around it.

    BR55HB SR Battle Rifle - 2
    Sniper Rifle System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel - 2
    M7/Caseless Submachine Gun - 4
    Type-25 Grenade Launcher - 2
    Type-25 Directed Energy Rifle - 4
    Type-25 Carbine [Spiker] - 4
    Type-2 Antipersonnel Fragmentation Grenade [Spike grenade] - 4















    Thanks to all.
    Vorpal Saint, For giving suggestions, Helping with weapon placement and testing.
    AmericanPsycho, Testing.
    RPAL, Testing.
    HLG Viper, Testing.
    Even12075, Testing
    Adelyss, Testing.
    Pegasi Delta, for all his help.
    Boydy, Suggestions.
    #1 DRiSCOLL, Mar 8, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  2. EleKtRa

    EleKtRa Ancient
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    is this not just orbital? if not please show screenshots of edited parts of the map because from what i can see all youve done is added some flags
  3. DarkFalcon

    DarkFalcon Ancient
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    Looks good for CTF and assult, I likew the use of the colour affects also. Looks like it plays well. But I don't really see much changed, 4/5.
  4. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    wow, me and my friends were making a dead space map last night for infection, but you beat us to it. Super sad face. Anyway it looks good, we also had the problem of forging because all the objects were horrible, but you did a good job with the doors. All in all this map deserves a 5/5 because there's really no way to judge without more objects being on orbital

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Ever heard of the infamous Conquest my Friend?
    Well, Conquest is a territories game of reverse tug-of-war. Teams start at opposite ends of a linear path and try to push each other back to claim more territories. Territories don't lock, so it can go back and forth several times in a round. Courtesy of Predicide.

    Orbitals layout has conquest in mind, a video will be up to show you just how great the game play is. The reason this is more special then most conquest maps is that I've taken advantage of orbitals Rocket spawn. This way you can get early shots on your enemy, thus slowing them down from pushing forward. You can give cover fire for invading allies.

    The beauty of this map is it may be long, its small, and your able too see around and plan your attack. It separates the men from the boys, even in testing with a 3 v 3 each team would be pushed back and for.

    To the other poster, sorry to disappoint you but there isn't any affect. The reason you may think that is because I edit my screen shots so there sharper and more appealing. Any effect would just ruin the competitive game play.

    I did do a lot to the map, refurnished orbitals cover, blocked the map of so theres only one direction. Geo-merging, yes you heard me right. I had to fit teleporters and that extremely large door in a small space so I could Geo-merge a couple of boxes. Just to make it look more orfentic and to please all of those that believe that makes a good map.

    In all, I insist you play it, don't forget to use the conquest v3 Game type.
  6. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Are you blind? Look at the pictures. There is a lot changed to Orbital. Hallways blocked off, just download the map and you'll be pleased.

    Of course you don't see much changed. This is a map made on Orbital. Orbital barely allows objects to be placed and Driscoll was able to make an awesome map on it.

    I don't know what to say to this besides read the post. Dead Space? Wtf? This is not even close to an infection map. In the post it says:

    Line of Sight:

    Orbital naturally has great lines of sight, but you improved this by changing the crates around in the hallways. Before, the hallways in Orbital were cluttered and messy, but I really like what you did in blocking off certain points as well as opening up other areas for risk.

    Risk vs Reward:
    You did a great job with this in my opinion. Territories weren't too dangerous that you wouldn't want to capture them, but the other team was able to take them back if you captured them. Power weapons were balanced pretty well, but as I'll mention later, the sniper at top base was overpowering.
    Map Flow / Movement Progression:
    Ishimura's flow was excellent. There was no point in the match in which I thought something about the geometry blocked my path to the next territory. Great job with the placement of the map's geometry.
    Conquest Balance:
    The map did not seem very balanced at the beginning of the match. The window gave the top base team an incredible advantage against the bottom base team and the bottom base team barely ever captured their second territory without being killed again and again.
    The major issue I noticed with the spawns right now is the sniper on the top base sniping the bottom spawns through the window at the beginning. I was able to snipe Adelyss twice in 14 seconds at the end of the round.

    Score: 8/10 The map was excellent, but there was the issue of the window and the sniper.
  7. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    The first conquest map I've seen on Orbital. You get style points for that. When I heard the description for Orbital I immediately thought 'Omg Conquest Time ^_^' and thought out what I would do with it. However, it seems you have beaten me to it, and as well used most of the ideas I thought of. Aside from the accusations of weird-ass mind reading and pre-intellectual plagiarism, I reward you with a 10/10
  8. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    HLG Viper let me borrow his account last night, so I got the pleasure of testing this.

    From the pictures, it looks like you fixed that jumping problem, good job on that. Anyway, about the maps gameplay. I liked the map a lot. There was enough cover but still easy enough to take someone out that was hiding behind cover. Advancing through the map and capturing the territorieswas easy, which is exactly what you need in conquest.

    The only thing I didn't really like was the area where you were able to shoot the opposing team from across the map. One team get's a height advantage over the other and can easily take them out. If someone on the team on the lower side got close to taking out the guy above, all the guy above had to do is take a few steps back. It was a tiny balance issue. The bottom team was still able to advance and capture territories farther than the middle one though, so it wasn't a very big problem at all. I love it when people make their own twists and their conquest maps. Windows where people an battle it out happen to be something I'm a fan of.

    Overall, the map was pretty good. I'd definitely play it a few more times.
    #8 evan12075, Mar 8, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  9. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I love the maps that you can subtly tweak for certain things. Bravo. This looks so very playable. Orbital defualt is fun, but Conquest is even better. I had a Forgethrough, too and it looks awesome, both visually and gameplay wise. Anyway, your map gets a 9/10.
    #9 mastersync23, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  10. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Wow, I facepalm at the fail people who don't realize that this can only be played with Conquest and the clear changes you made to Orbital. Anyways, I thought it played pretty decent. Though, I would have rather had it as 5v5 or 6v6. I'm sure it would have played much better with that amount.
  11. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    ARGHHGHHHGHH You stole my map I was 70% finished with one with the same idea. Well you beat me to it and well since its like mine its of course a 5/5 jk but it is very balanced in spawns and in weapons and orbital pretty much builds itself so 5/5 :)(
  12. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    I think it looks like one of the best orbital maps yet!
    And I'm glad you blocked off the Leap of Faith!
    You blocked it just how I blocked the one I'm working on!
    I think this one makes mine like crap!
  13. anthonyrapitis

    anthonyrapitis Ancient
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    aside from being very inedited, it seems nice. maybe you could try to add or remove some more stuff to make it your own. i never forge on maps like that cuz there not much you can do. take sandbox now, and you can do what ever you want. all my forges are on sandbox

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