Leap Of Faith - Infection Game Click Here For Direct Link to map. Click Here For Direct Link to gametype. Click Here for Link to the Leap of Faith set (including screenshots seen below) Zombies Spawn at the top of the map, jump into the box get teleported to a random location around the fort. Humans spawn on top/around the fort, can use weapons to defend the fort, or enter the labyrinth to either suprise the zombies, or to seek out the entrance to the underground cavern in order to set up a defensive position. Here's an image of the labyrinth, bear in mind that in this image, the top of the fort has been entirely hidden solely to show the inside of the labyrinth, In the map, the labyrinth has a roof above it. Hope you enjoy playing this map as much as i enjoyed making it, feel free to suggest changes/alterations to gametype/map to enhance its playability, as i havent had a chance to test this yet (only a small amount of my friends got the mythic maps).. And please, if you like it, post a comment and tell me! As this is the first map i've submitted here, i'd be very thankfull
click this link. it'll tell you how to correctly post your map and pics Mandatory Read Before Posting Your Map Forum Conduct/Map Posting Map Posting Rules Maps must include at least one embedded picture of the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare. You must include at least a brief description of the map. Post titles must consist of the map name ONLY and no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting. Failure to post your map correctly will lead to a topic lock after 24 hours in the absence of a fix.
This looks so cool and i like how it has like 3 parts to it. Very nice and smooth. 9/10 How many people will the Map handle?
Well the map has enough spawns for a game with up to 12 players, but it Should play comfortably from 4+ (in which case the gametype might need altering. I hope that if anyone likes this map, submit some feedback and look out for maps i plan on submitting in the near future (when i get my laptop fixed). And can anyone thats tried this in a game, let me know how it played, as i'm quite eager to play it myself haha.
it looks very neat.. whats with the mancannons in that 3rd pic around the base?...and what is the gametype like?
looks very fun, great idea of the maze part, but after playing it for a while i'm guessing people memorize the way. so ill give this map a 4.8/5 only because of the memorization of the maze.
Mancannons are for quick human access to the roof of the fort. Also allowing quick thinking zombies to go up a mancannon and lunge onto an unsuspecting victim. Zombies have low gravity and run quite fast, humans have slightly faster speed than average but very small radar, making it harder to spot the zombies (who are part-invisible). Cheers for the feedback.