and I could use some tips on making maps. I have read most of Forging 101 but it only provided things to improve maps. Also (sounds noobish) how do I get pictures onto my account? I also made a **** Zombie map based off of CoD 5, its not the greatest and is a little rough but I like it. HTML: Lol, nobody has downloaded it, oh well. The goal is to keep all zombies out of the building. This room features the "random weapon box" and weapons appear randomly. The goal is not to let the zombies in, and well he got in. First room you begin in, and carbines are there to aid in your defence. I know the boxes are off center but the fences provide a sniping area to zombies wandering around there.
First off, you shouldn't double post (posting twice in a row with nobody else posting in between) and you are looking for this.
Thanks, I am part of another forum so I now proper behavior, just not greatly skilled with the forge, but getting better.
Ok, you might want to check out the rules as well because there are a few specifics such as how long it is until you can't post on a thread anymore.
Better post a picture of my map then, don't want this close right now... How can I bump my topic and not double post? People won't be able to tell if I changed it or not right? So how can they tell that I have changed something and if I post again, well thats against the rules for now... also any comments on the map? Its supposed to be for fun, not competition or anything.
Well, back to your question of making the actual map, search around forge discussion ( especially the stickies ) for tutorials on making maps. A thread above this contains a list of important tutorials. You'll find some tutorials on making the the map, not just techniques in forge. If you need help with your nazizombie map just send me a PM or a message on XBL because im currently making my own and have some free time. GT is : LynxeL
I finished the map, and need some feedback on it. It is a rough scetch and I started running out of materials and money :cry:. It is pretty well laid out though, and my friends enjoyed playing it. But maybe we can work on improving it. BTW, my gamertag is the same as my screen name, Gaurdion07, lol I spelled it all wrong.
ok thats fine with me, but have you considered using the budget glitch for your money problem? there's a canvas out there with all the stuff place OUTSIDE of foundry so it doesn't effect the map. P.S. I received your freind request.
I merged your posts for ya so you won't get an infraction. As for the bumping, basically we consider a thread to be 'open to discussion' for a certain amount of time, after that is bumping. Generally, don't double post...people will come if there's more to talk about. I think the trick to making a good map is practice and take your time. I know it sounds cliche, but put enough effort into it and good stuff will come out. Take your time deciding where things will be and what their there for, then as your building also take your time. All of my featured maps took at least 2-3 months to complete each.
I ran out of bridges too for the upper level, I am not the best at interlocking so the walls are kind of sticking out, you wanna help me fix that? Honestly, I needed every object I could grab my hands on cause I was running out of certain things, but I can still make carbines for some reason =/ I also had a few other problems with it too, like the cave was impossible to make because of lack of materials and money.
You could still places carbines because their runtime maximum is higher then the number of carbines on the map. (Raising the run-time maximum of an object above the number on the map will essentially pre-purchase them.) Changing this run-time maximum back to the same number on the map should give you money back meaning you can make more objects. As for forging take your time, it's not easy or quick. Creating an entire map is not what Forge mode is meant for and it does not excel at such so you need to take your time and be very patient when making a map. Whenever you make a map you should draw the layout on paper, computer program, anything that allows you to see it before you actually put it down in forge mode. Never settle for less then what you want in your map, especially due to laziness. Making maps is hard, making great maps is hard work, takes time and most of all practice. You will never know what is good in a map and what is bad in a map until you try it out. Another major part in forging is to test all your maps out, see what works, see what doesn't, what can be improved, and what can be changed. You're a good forger when you can make a good map. You're a great forger when you can put hours into a map, test it, find out it doesn't work as planned and delete the map, start anew. You should never expect to get a map right the very first time, and in fact it never happens. Bungie has many great maps, and just as many bad maps, even they getting paid money to make a map don't always get it right, you shouldn't expect yourself to either.
I guess I better go fix some of the things with my new friend I read around in the guides to play with a friend or something slightly distracting so you don't get too mad right?
I actually hugely discourage playing with a friend (mainly my personal opinion) because of many reasons: -Playing over Live will cause lag and make it hard to interlock and geomerge. -Most friends will not take it seriously not and they will either get bored or destroy your creation. -I usually don't like showing my maps while they're in the building process because they do not give your friends an idea of the finished product. I listen to music or watch TV while forging, just enough to distract me enough so that I don't get too angry when things don't go my way.
We are both taking it very seriously, and we are not sharing with other friends. Now the lag is the only problem that may come up, but we are working diligently on this project and are getting started well on a fresh new map. Our idea is that we will be creating a custom map, because the original map on CoD 5 is hard to proportion and would seem very cramped.