Schism Ubi Shooter Supported Gametypes: Capture The Flag Assault Slayer Map Description Schism (pronounced siz-uhm or skiz-uhm) is a medium sized objective-based map down in Sandbox's Crypt. Intense skirmishes are plentiful in Schism's supported Flag, Bomb, and Slayer gametypes. Overview: Schism bears a similar resemblance to Foundry, especially in its close quarters One-Sided Flag and Bomb modes. Center: The key position to hold on this map is undoubtedly the center. Home to the Plasma Pistol, Shotgun, Machine Gun Turret, Overshield, and Power Drain, the center is the easiest path to victory. Towers: While the center is the best defensive and offensive position to hold, these towers allow a skilled player to hold off the enemy long enough to make a tremendous difference. The Blue Tower houses a Sniper Rifle, while the Red Tower houses a Rocket Launcher. Bases: In all supported game modes, the Red and Blue Teams are separated by a closed hallway and a huge wall. Each base is symmetrical (except for minor changes in asymmetrical game modes). This is also a key position to defend since it houses your objective spawn and plant point, as well as most of your team's spawning. Weapons (various spawn times): Assault Rifle x2 Battle Rifle: x4 Covenant Carbine: x2 Mauler x2 Shotgun x1 Plasma Pistol x1 Plasma Rifle x2 SMG x2 Brute Shot x2 Fragmentation Grenade x8 Plasma Grenade x8 Vehicles (120 sec respawn): Warthog x1/x2 (dependent on game mode) Equipment (60-90 sec respawns): Power Drain x1 Bubble Shield x2 Overshield x1 Conclusion: Schism is the first map I have posted to so criticism and suggestions are highly appreciated. The let me know what you think, send me a message at (Accola3195), send me a message on Xbox Live (Ubi Shooter), post a comment here, or post a comment on As a warning, I have been unable to fully test the map for ways the grenade jump out and spawning issues. If you spawn out side of the Crypt or find a way to grenade jump out of the map, please send me a video of it. Thanks for downloading and I hope you enjoy the map! Download Schism
your pictures are not working you need to embed them with photobucket or imageshack. check the sticky on how to post maps.
Sounds like a good map but ill reserve judgment for when you pics are up. Now that the pics are up the map looks very good for 2 flag. DLd and will play as soon as my dad gets off the TV.
They are still not working. You must save them from your gallery at Then upload them to photobucket. Then copy the IMG bar under each picture. You have 24 hours, but I'd suggest getting them up while you are still under the newest posts section to get more downloads.
Wow that name doesn't remind me of anything... I don't think I like it... Maybe if u incorperated asthetics in to it I would download... If this was on foundry it wood get 1 star .so as expected I give it 1/5 no download
Please don't post comments like that. Not only was that comment completely worthless to this thread, thus on the borderline of spam, but it also was quite rude and near a flaming comment. All you said was ill-informed and mostly false in terms of good map expectations. This map, honestly, doesn't look bad. Its one of the few where it looks like he took time and care planning things out. It has a nice big open symmetric design. You have got to stop sizing up a map before you play it. It never helps the creator better understand what he needs to improve. Aesthetics also never are needed. They are merely there, if the resources allow, to make the map look better. Ubi, I'm going to download this so I can come back and post a comment to let you know how it went, improvements needed, if any, and all that jazz.
Well to be fair he did give a reason for not downloading it. You honestly should have a thicker skin, if anything just ignore the people who just want to hate you and your work. You shouldn't "sink to their level." Judging on your experience level (which just so happens to be the same as mine) I give this map a 3 out of 5. Never be afraid to post something because you think someone is going to shoot it down everytime.