Halo 3 File Details A golf course made by me, Too Real Mike, last hole made by Darksilence XXX. This is made for constructive critisism. Give me more ideas for the next set of courses to come out. This map is meant for regular slayer, there are golf clubs on the map for you to use. Preffered to have infinite ammo on.
for this to be up to forgehub standards. u need to have at least one embedded picture. u have to have it fixed in 24 hours or a mod will infract u a description would be nice. how did u make the golfcourse. wut variant does it support so it plays like golf
Sounds fun. Doesn't sound too original, seeing as bungie kind of hinted at this alot, but I need some pics to properly judge. Good luck!
no , to properly judge you need to download and look at it. you just want to augment your post count by making up some fake reviews as for the map, ill keep it under watch because i'd like to see how you set it up.
really guys just wait for him to post pics. If you really have an interest in this, and your not just talking out of your ass, then bookmark it and check when he has pics. /end discussion until pics are posted.
^ Thank you Sharp Shooter. As for me Im gonna download it and take a look. I may come back with a review about it sometime this week or whenever I get a chance. Probably on Monday though.
OK.. Well this was DEFINETLY going to happen well Because of the whole 7-Wood thing. I would love to say your map is originall but it realy isn't. What I HAVE to give you credit on is that it IS VERY well made and I honestly would never have thought of it. It seems like one of those golf games on miniclip, well away up in the air and all but once again very well done.
Looks fun. I like the way you put things to make it like a real golf course. Overall it always works and theres no improvements needed 5/5
Ugh, just wondering how many of you people actually played the map?? Well I did and I had some problems with it. When you whack the ball at the start of the hole you are pushed back, off the platform usually to you death which then spawns you at the start. Not fun. I suggest some bumpers to fix that. Another thing.. On the last hole I tried several times but the ball never went down into the crypt. It missed the hole. That should be fixed to. Last thing.. Not sure how to fix this but it is really annoying to walk to your hole from the start when you die. Not sure how to fix this other than making it harder to fall off, which I mentioned above. Overall though it is a good map just a few things need to be fixed up.
Wow, that's WAYYYY too long. Here's an easier/better guide: Start a game for the map you want to show. After starting it, end the game. Go into theater mode and start the game. Pause it and take pictures (Press "X" and select the camera icon). Go on the internet to your service record (on Bungie.net) and take a look at your recent pictures. Click on "View in High Res" for the ones you want to use, and download them to your computer. Upload them to a photo site, like TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting. Highlight the link under "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" (for Tinypic.com) and post it on the thread. Your pictures should come up large and in high quality.
i got very annoyed with this map because the golf ball kept falling off ( dont worrie i get frustrated easily ask spazmonkey 92) but other than that i pulled through and beat the golf course lolololol but anyways i really enjoyed it after! i finished it