Hey all, I was brainstorming to come up with a new map, and I got an idea. I was thinking of makin an airplane on foundry or avalanche for one bomb. teams would spawn on either end. terrorists would spawn at rear of plane and make their way forward to the cockpit to plant the bomb and destroy the plane. Aesthetically, it would need to be pleasing of course(inside and out) and resemble an airliner. if anyone is interested in helping me execute this, just add me and tell me when you wanna work on it. Thnx Gamertag: Rackem Willie77
Not sure I could help contribute, except for one thing: Make the gametype "Snakes" and the map "a plane." Really, though, making a plane would be hard to do, since its so cramped, plus you'd have to have all the seats and stuff...good luck with it though.
This sounds like i very interesting project, i greatly encourage you to fallow through with this. i would be more than happy to help you with this you may want to wait until you get the mythic map pack because i think that the objects there would be much better for this job. As for the game type, you should have the terorist have "knives" (energy swards) and the defenders/marshals have pistols.