Sandbox Sangue Nero

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The_Oreo, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. The_Oreo

    The_Oreo Ancient
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    Sangue Nero is a symmetrical map created in the Skybubble of Sandbox and is a decently small map, suited mostly to Team asymmetric games.

    Hello, I'm The Oreo, and this is my (and don't run away when I say this) very first serious Forge map, Sangue Nero. Although this is a first real attempt at something Forgehub post worthy, I've still tried with all my abilities to introduce professional forging aspects into my map with a large amount of liberal interlocking, and somewhat decent aesthetics. But with that said, in my mind this is very much a "V1" so any of you with more experience than me at this, please feel free to leave me some well structured criticisms and I will go about editing my map to the best it can be asap.

    Anyway, without further adieu I present to you:

    Sangue Nero
    Italian translation - 'Black Blood'


    Gametypes Supported:
    The map was made (in accordance to the accompaning story) with One Bomb in mind, but has been set up to support One Flag, Multi Flag and FFA Slayer.
    Recommended players: 2 - 6

    Weapon Loadout:
    4x Assault Rifles
    3x Battle Rifles
    3x SMG
    2x Carbine
    1x Flamethrower
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Fuel Rod Gun
    1x Mauler
    1x Needler
    1x Brute Shot
    1x Bubble Shield
    1x Regenerator
    An assortment of grenades (excluding Firebomb) placed as I saw fit.

    Vehicle Loadout:
    1x Ghost - Appears in all gametypes.
    1x Warthog, Chaingun - Appears in Asymmetric gametypes only.
    1x Hornet, Transport - Appers in Asymmetric gametypes only.


    Soon after the events of Halo 2, a mysterious Forerunner structure appeared within Earth's own solar system, high in the air above a largely uninhabited desert planet. Both UNSC and Covenant forces investigated to reveal it to be some sort of massive power station, emmitting enough energy to potentially destroy all life within an area estimated to be 5 light years of distance.
    With this information, Covenant Hierarch, The Prophet of Truth, decided the most logical step toward the Great Journey would be to command this structure's power and fulfill what they believed to be its fated purpose, to wipe out the traces left of humanity.
    Commander Greg Orion of the UNSC, stationed on Earth, created the solution to their impending armageddon and analysed the weak spot in the site to attack, that would cause what he called "
    massive damage", and give humans more security in the bounds of Earth once again.

    With clear intentions on both sides as to what to do with the structure it is now a matter of who will win in the fight on the temple itself.
    Covenant or UNSC. Only one thing remains clear, whoever emerges victorious will change the tide of the war permanently.

    (Action shots/More map shots coming soon, my XBL is AFK.)


    (General Overview - Shows Vehicle spawn setup, Blue base (Attackers): closest corridor and Y-Tubes, Red Base (Defenders): Large structure with Kill Balls on top)


    (View from side Hallway - Looking into Crypt)


    (Inside one side of Blue hallway - see through to other side. Middle is Flamethrower/Bomb/Flag spawn)

    (Inside Crypt/Red Base - Shot one, lower.)

    (Crypt/Red Base - Shot two, above)

    (General Overview 2 - Shot from right/Ghost side. Shows entrances to both bases - Symmetrical on both sides excluding Ghost/Warthog and ramp setup. Power Weapons: Sniper spawn on center platform, Fuel Rod spawn infront of Teleporter.)

    Download Link:

    Halo 3 File Details

    Also, special thanks to the testers;
    (Yes they're all quite separate people.)
    #1 The_Oreo, Mar 8, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2009
  2. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
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    I like the layout of this map, especially the look of the crypt. As for gameplay, it looks as though players can shoot each other straight from the start and the warthogs may not be suited to this map. Saying that, i like the weapon layout apart from the Hornet which may become overpowed. I may download this map and have a few games on it as i haven't seen too many good looking maps made in the skybox.

  3. The_Oreo

    The_Oreo Ancient
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    I am a bit iffy about the vehicles too. I need to play more games but it must be mentioned that the Hornet does not spawn for a minute and a half at the beginning of the game, and in any case the Fuel Rod makes quick work of it. The Warthog has limited mobility but that is intentional as the mechanic is designed to just provide a quick transport for an attacking bomb carrier.

    On note about being able to shoot other players from start, personally, I have had no trouble with this. But I will look into it.
  4. The Demons Den

    The Demons Den Ancient
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    From what I can see in the pics it looks like you need to put some more spawn points in.
  5. YungDiezel512

    YungDiezel512 Ancient
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    I like the design
  6. The_Oreo

    The_Oreo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think I've reached object limit and actually cant.
  7. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the layout of this map as well as the aesthetics impresses me, but the first shot of the map inside the crypt looks fantastic.

    will dl 4.5/5
  8. The_Oreo

    The_Oreo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Edit: Added some more spawns. Demon's Den was right, managed to squeeze a few more in there.
  9. The_Oreo

    The_Oreo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Weapon and vehicle spawns tuned to make gameplay smoother and (I assume) less one sided.
  10. The_Oreo

    The_Oreo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    V2 will be up soon. Thanks for the feedback everyone.
  11. The_Oreo

    The_Oreo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    EDIT: Map link has been replaced with a v2. Instead of making a new thread I thought I'd just bump this...

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