the main difference is that utah mambo is much larger and more vehicle friendly, it even said it was built around is much larger and has more vehicles in it, so a splazer and Rls were required for balance. this map is small-medium sized and doesnt have nearly as much vehicular combat, and will not because of the RL and splaser. i admit, gameplay is more important. however, if the buildings gameplay is supposed to take place in are the same except for 1 of them, what is different or original about this? the skybox map balances(or something like that, cant remember name right now) is much more original and better, though it manages to be aesthetically pleasing, thats not why i like it. so how exactly do you think this map is original? he only added 1 structure and gave all the 10 year olds a RL at each base and a splaser. it is much too similar to default sandbox to be original. i'm sorry i didnt see your post about the weapons. as you can see, i posted at either the same time or afterwards and didnt know you posted. i give you that. But just because someone can grenade you if you sit in 1 place with the sword means nothing! that gives them all of about a few seconds to grenade them maybe? and just because the power wapons are in the open certainly does not mean that it is balanced, justified, or a good idea. and i never said it was similar to another map, i said those maps were actual good maps on sandbox, not mediocre ones like this. it is not much different from original just because it has a new structure in the middle. the bases are still the same, and the added weapons are a step down from sandboxes original configuration for sure. and once again, stop ****ing worshipping the moderators!!! just because they are moderators does not mean they are gods who deserve worship wherever they go, or that what they think is law and it is heresy to disagree with them!!! they are just like us. stop acting like they deserve shrines.
Strangely enough, I was under the impression whole thing was built from scratch, it's not just the same bases. I guess my having played it multiple times must be wrong, compared to your looking at the pictures. Oh, and Lance is a former mod. He's not worshipping moderators, he is one. Kinda. What your doing is looking at the pictures and determining that any map that's on the main floor of Sandbox and isn't completely different than the original is horrible. Ever heard of Industries? Way, way better than most maps out there, with their 'original structures'.
ive never heard of industries actually. and the reason i dont like it because its mostly the same is because it is so similar, yet it has the crappy power weapons and hell for vehicles that make it no fun to be in one.
The Spartan III, before you say that the map is hardly changed from Sandbox, I think you'd best go look at it again. This map is QUITE different from Sandbox. I seem to recall a small, squared structure above the entrance to the Crypt. With an Overshield, no less. How do "Small, squared thing" and "Huge freakin' arch" look similar at all? Ahem. The map looks great, I like the bases on either side. This id my DL Copter. It goes SWOI SWOI SWOI and tells me to download this. So I did.
Seriously, i think Spartan III has something up his ass, no offense, you don't need to get so worked up about a map. Some people like it, And... well, YOU don't. Don't go bitching at everyone for nothing please... And btw, I think this map has great potential for fun customs, Not feature worthy, but still fun. So take SOME advice from Spartan III but kinda leave him be.... 4/5
Dang...could possibly offer a less informative comment? Of course it's a "normal Sandbox map." It's...wait for it...on Sandbox. If by "normal" you mean fun and cool and interesting...yes.
Heh heh heh... The Spartan III, there are several odd things about all this. First, Spartans don't flame. Before wars and battles, they were found listening to peaceful music, before they went and kicked ass. Second, have you even played a game on this guys map? If you have, that's good. You ARE offering constructive criticism. Unless the game was with extreme n00bs or just one more guy. Third, I have learned many a times that moderators all are experienced with the site they occupy. Don't completely eat, crap, then throw away what they say. Mainly because you will choke, AND have a hard time crapping. Fourth, seriously, only the true whores I know in life will actually continue arguing about something that's long lost for them. Know, for the actual map... If this was done on Foundry, it would probably slightly resemble the default Foundry build. But I like what you've done here. You've improved upon the default layout for the extreme better. It needs its improvements, not that I know what they are, just that every map will need something improved. 4/5, keep forging. I forsee great maps and sexy women in your future...
you see, he knows what im saying. he sees that it is not much different from default layout besides weapons and the middle structure
The lack of any real detail in his post and the verb "look" show that he obviously hasn't played it and probably only took a glance at the photos.
The map looks great! I don't know where you got the name from but I'm guessing i't because you can drive vehicles on the map. I think the ark looks very good. Multiple levels makes nice gameplay able, and I think a br would be the perfect weapon.
The weird part is: this map is eerily similar to Utah Mambo. Choppers, 1 central Laser, 2 rocket launchers. Main central structure, 2 base structures, 2 offset side structures (one with similar design), and rotational symmetry... It's creeping me out, man. Anyway, I saw the map featured a bit in the video on the Bungie blog today. Nice work. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who saw Sandbox as a good set for this type of layout.
love it love it love it. Phenomenal aesthetics to match up with the gameplay. One of the best sandbox maps yet, if not the best. Weapon and spwn placement too looks great, as is bringing back the energy sword, something most forgers have lost. Props!
You must be stupid. He took his map HIGHWAY B and redid it on sandbox. Calling it, hold on, wait for, HIGHWAY AE! But I guess since you seem to be the kind of guy who doesn't read everything would've missed the part where he said that. Funny, both of the maps are made on the floor of Sandbox and neither are inclosed. Both look to play very similar and both seem pretty balanced to me. Seems you're basically only saying the map doesn't look good. First off, the bolded part is the only smart thing you've said so far. Ok, so yeah, moving on. I still fail to see how you think this isn't original. Waz had the idea for this map before he even saw Sandbox. He made a map on Foundry that was more of a concept verison than an actual one, and once he got Sandbox he made the actual thing... and no, he didn't add just one structure. He reconfigured every fiber of the map. NONE of it looks the same of as default sandbox (and god, please don't make me get actually screenshots to prove you wrong). If he took out the laser or rockets, or even both, then guess what... the hogs and choppers would rape the map! (gasp! I didn't see that one coming) This alone made me facepalm. Clearly, you have no real idea how any map should be forged or how a good weapon system works. I rather not waste my time on proving you wrong. (And trust me, it's for the best) So yeah, feel stupid because Lance once was a mod, as was I (more so a journolist, but meh)... and if anyone does worhip staff members like gods... then they may need some serious mental help. Oh, and for the record, mods aren't just like us (and by us I mean people like you). They are more intellectual, have traits of leadership, and generally know what the **** they're talking about. Well, I guess in some aspects we have a common ground... but it doesn't really matter. ANYWAYS!!! So yeah, Mini Waz, I hurd u liek mudkipz. Lulz, jk. I roamed around with you on this map, and I'll be honest that I haven't got an actual game on it. But I can tell that it would be hell of fun to try out. The only thing that would worry me is the spawning... it shouldn't be too bad though. So yeah, next time I'm on with a good size group I'll give it a shot.
Don't insult someone for their post count. I've been here 11 months longer than you, and how many posts do you think I have? It isn't a deciding factor in how someone posts. Back to the map. I'm actually starting to love the main level more and more as I play on or walk through some of these maps (I have a map in mind I was going to start forging, but I don't know where I want it, lol). Really, I'm not one for vehicles in general, but they really add something to the map. You counterbalanced them perfectly with the rockets and laser, even though some don't agree. The rockets gave each team a power weapon to take down vehicles (easily anyways) and the laser is a weapon to fight for that can act like a sniper in some cases and a anti-vehicle weapon in others. I personally love that versatility. Suprisingly, this map had me thinking of a rescaled Sandtrap when I played it, albeit no annoying banshees to destroy. Maybe it's the style of the map (with the elevated middle structure) or the theme, which of course is sand. Good work for you. I couldn't find anything to complain about on it. I suspect it would play great with 6v6 or even 8v8 too, but I don't have that many friends with mythic. No rating, sorry, but those things can really annoy me.
I haven't really test played larger matches although i persume that it would work with 12 players (6 vs 6) without any compromise on gameplay. Thanks for the constructive and nice comments from those who provided them!
This looks like a map that I would like to see alongside sandbox in the mythic playlist. A definite DL and you should start a poll in the optimatch forums, or atlas.
Ah, finally a good Sandbox map! I've been looking for a good one for awhile. Mini, you never seek to disappoint... Maybe you should recreate all your maps from Foundry onto Sandbox :O