Now this is the first of two Needlers maps that I am making for those who love the paint ball gun this on is on sandbox's crypt and includes -2 Gravity lifts -1 bubble shield -2 regenerators -1 active camouflage The map is symmetrical in design and incorporates 2 levels(having trouble so if you want to help with the 3rd level PM me). Like other maps the terrain varies in density so as you add players to the game people will naturally spread out. Overview Now onto the game variant. In the Needlers game type you have over shields and damage resistance so the fire (Needle?) fights can last longer. In Needle Ball The ball carrier's agility increases but his mele is only useful from behind. Now for the Pictures! The Teleporter is interesting go in it and find yourself hurtling towards the level Circle Strafe to avoid needles... or end up like this guy Download the Map the needlers gametype the needleball gametype Thanks for reading and leave a comment! Map updates Update 1:Added man cannon to top of sky dive to prevent players camping on top. Its now impossible to stay up there.
Looks good, but I can't really judge. But I do see something you could do: Place pairs of spikers around the map so people have the option for orange needles that shoot faster.
This map has been placed in the Sandbox Map Database, if you would like to view this collection of 50 maps and counting then click the link in my sig to get to the post, also your map just so happens to be our 50th entry into the database! On topic: good map, needlers are always fun.
Yay thanks for the help. Also If anyone really likes this I'm working on the next in my series of needler maps. Testers and forgers would be appreciated.
I would say that map looks pretty sweet and im sure A LOAD of people will copie you and its a great start of GR8 maps coming to sandbox. 6/10
Working on improving the pics and the second map in the series should come out around wensday New Pics Are here! What do you think of High Def?
can you actually have needlers as the default starting weapon in a custom game? i thought you couldn't any more. but yeah this is a great map for the gametype, and i've allways loved the needler. it's a shame you can't dual weild them anymore though.