Has been warned. This whole topic is the reason why. EDIT: He posted again immediately in Casual Maps, and I discovered he had lied about the reason why he couldn't post a link to a published map on B.net - ie. he was banned from their site - and so have banned him from posting only for a week. The forum is read-only for him now.
Well, that was a month ago, and I have just banned him again for 7 days. But you might want to increase the ban length. He has advertised his map in another thread in this post. He has double posted here, got warned by Wakko, acknowledged the fact that it is against the rules, and did it again two days later here.. Furthermore, his Jurassic Park version 2 and version 3 have different map threads here but link members to the same Bungie.net thread. I'm sure it isn't an oversight on his part. Like I said, he has been banned before, and he is breaking the rules again. I only put it for a full ban of 7 days, but I fully support a perma-ban if you guys agree. People should only get so many chances.
I've been looking through his posts and I definatly agree with the 7 day ban, but if he has been banned before and is breaking the rules again, I support a perma-ban.
Oh yeah, and he's adding that stupid pic below each of his posts, in order to advertise something that isn't even made yet. Plus his sig is too big.
If bungie.net can't tolerate him niether should we., we don't want his kind here and he can complain about it to his friends but they aer probably all idiots as well...