Airsoft Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mr Pokephile, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. hitman slayer33

    hitman slayer33 Ancient
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    I have: A nameless shotgun, a broken pistol that like..3 in long (and sucks), a G36C (the box refuses to admit its a G36C, and plus someone stole a clip from me so its useless nowadays), 2 little piece of crap machines guns that are like..those tiny versions of big machine Uzi (surprisingly the most accurate gun I own, despite its weakness..maybe 200 FPS), A semi-auto pistol (which got frozen from a small child's own fault, and my first gun ever T.T), and a pistol, called a P99, which is surprisinly my best gun (i use it with the uzi as a side arm), its about 375 FPS, can make you bleed if youre at a fair range and hits skin (made chins and arms bleed)..It's just a great gun, and plus it was only 25 bucks (i'd post pics but I can't exactly find it..)
  2. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Alright, so I got the gearbox yesterday, UPS didn't charge me any brokerage fees :D so I attempted to fit it into the lower receiver of the XM8, and it wouldn't fit... There was this large chunk of metal that was attached to the safety lever, and I had to remove that for the gearbox to fit. But now that it's been removed via a few screws, the gearbox fits in perfectly. Only thing is that my gun doesn't have a safety anymore...
    So I charged up an 8.4v 1100mAh battery, threw it in and flicked it to semi auto and the rounds are flying faster then I can see. I'll do the popcan test tmrw maybe. The gearbox is also very quiet. Now I'm just planning to buy a nice Intellect Battery, and some 30rd Mags. (I hate high-caps)
  3. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Awesome an airsoft thread.
    Well my first airsoft gun were super cheap spring guns from China, a super tiny pistol and a tmp like gun, but both shot around 250-300 fps. Then I got a clear spring desert eagle that shot like 300 fps. Next my brother got a Tokyo Marui pistol that shot like 350 fps. Now I have a Vector Arms Full Metal MP5A5 RAS by Echo 1 shoots around 385-400 fps, but it broke and i never tried to fix it.
    I'm thinking about buying this.
  4. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    You ever plan on upgrading the barrel or hop up? Because usually chinese crap have bad barrels and very dirty ones at that. If you're ever looking to upgrade your barrel, go for Prometheus and for hop up bucking go for either firefly or guarder clear with an H nub. Will go a long way accuracy wise.

    Oh and do you have a dremel? Ultimate airsoft tool for modding if something is incompatible.
  5. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Of course I plan on upgrading the barrel and hop-up. It's just not at the very top of my priorities. It will be done by summer though, and yeah, the barrel was incredibly dirty... But that might be because it was Bl00D's for a year before I got it... But I cleaned the barrel out and it's shooting quite decently with .2g bbs
  6. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    Here are a few of my guns that still work. For some reason when I took the picture the pistol and my assualt rifle turned pink. And FYI I have no clue what my guns are called, all I know is that they are fun to have wars with. Both my snipers were custom painted btw. The shotguns both go 310 fps, and the bigger sniper goes the fastest out of all of mine, 385 fps, while the smaller one goes only 325. If you noticed, the smaller sniper looks just like a pistol with just a really long barrel. As for the other ones I have no idea how fast they go except for the silver and black pistol goes 308 fps and the fully black pistol goes 322. The really small pistol sucks and only goes 285. But at least IT WORKS.[​IMG]
  7. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    I spot a UHC Super 9 (Big Sniper)
    an HFC Darkhawk (Silver and black pistol)
    an Aftermath Kirenex with 2400rd Box Mag

    and then the others I don't know what brand, but I spot a MK 23, a Glock 17, a Benelli M3, 2 unknown Armalites, and a Spaz 12.

    So SM3JAY is going to try to be cool and bullshit us... I googled Airsoft Collection in Google images, and guess what I found. I was kinda wondering at the fact that he didn't know any of the brands of his guns, and that he said his Snipers both had Custom Paint jobs when his Shitty UHC Super 9 was still in stock black, and his small sniper that is a Crosman Backpacker and fires 4.5mm pellets, not airsoft... Also, it mentions in the link that the guns are purposely pink, while you told us that your camera flash. Nice try bud. This is why I say "PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN"
    KaTZ - Airsoft Guns
    #27 Saberwing 9875, Mar 4, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2009
  8. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    Man my dad is the biggest piece of crap on earth. I just found the best deal on a gun ever, it's an ICS m4 RIS with a CA one touch silencer and a Prommy tighbore barrel in it with tons of upgrades. Normally priced retail: M4 RIS:$400, CA silencer:$70, Barrel:$50, plus a foregrip and battery with a PEQ box = about $550.

    I can get this pack for $220 but my cheap ass dad won't let me get it even though I'm paying for it. HE never lets me do anything.
  9. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    ouch yo, that really sucks... I'd kill for that in Canada, it'd probably be twice the original price in Canada... And it'd be on Sale... :(
  10. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I have an AK (275 fps i think i forgot) I got for my tenth birthday and also a shotgun (375 fps)

    Once i was at my friends house and We were jumping on his jumping on his trampoline ( There was like 5 people jumping on the trampoline) My friend went inside and got his airsoft gun. My ***** of a friend wouldn't let us shoot him with it. ( I hate the friend who was a *****, cuz hes a ****) So he shot me, Nick, and Thomas.

    First time he shot me in the ass, i was like " Holy **** my ass!". The he shot thomas in the chest. Nick continued to dodge the bullets. Then he shot me in my hand and i fell down. Then he shot nick, and then he shot thomas. He shot me in the the face and i fell off the trampoline I said "ah my ****in face!". Then he shot thomas alot. Thomas ran away and hopped the fance. Cooper just chased him and thomas got mad. Well thats a story.
  11. TheG0DFATHER489

    TheG0DFATHER489 Ancient
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    for airsoft i have a walther G22 and a walther P22, ive got to say both guns are crap but wht can i do about it. for paintball i have a Suped-up Ion and a SP-8
  12. TR1COR3

    TR1COR3 Ancient
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    ATM, I've only got a spring powered Beretta 92FS pistol. Me and my friends have just got into airsoft, were pretty blessed for play areas, luckily we live in the countryside so there's hundreds of fields and woodlands which are perfect for airsoft. Can anyone recommend me a good budget rifle? Or website i can check out?
  13. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    Check out, they have really good customer service and average prices.
    What kind of gun are you looking for anyways and your price range?
  14. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    If you're looking for a budget rifle, get a JG... They're 99% TM compatible, and better then a stock TM gun. They also make almost any model of gun... Except for the M249 SAW... Echo 1 which is a higher price JG with better wiring, makes the M249...
    Here are some sites to check out:

    I went and played a game with Bl00D and Cam today. Was a pretty fun time despite there only being 3 of us and it was muddy and wet... I took a spill and managed to break the prongs of my shitty plastic neon orange flash hider... Oh well, I'm planning on buying a metal flash hider, tightbore barrel, and a new hop-up rubber... Seeing as the BBs kept getting jammed in the hop-up today...
    Need to get some mags too seeing as I only have one 30rd mag, and Bl00D and Cam have 375rd High-caps... I hate highcaps... they make so much noise and are un-realistic... I'm buying a 10 pack of star 30rd mags.
    #34 Saberwing 9875, Mar 8, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  15. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Here are some pics from yesterday. They're just stills taken from Bl00D's HD camcorder. We'll have the footage up tonight hopefully.
    More to come soon...
  16. Taco Bell

    Taco Bell Ancient
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    I don't own an airsoft gun myself but some of my friends do. We play all the time and it's really fun. My story is everyone brought their really fancy machine guns and stuff to my friend Zachs house. So in the middle of the battle my friends spring gun screws up so I grab this plastic sled, used it as a shield and just tackled my friend. One of the funniest things in my life.
  17. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    that cam quality is hella nice

    link to camera bl00d?
  18. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    #38 Saberwing 9875, Mar 11, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  19. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    So today I was sitting around and looked at my 92F with it's Silencer... The silencer was very impractical on the gun because when it was holstered, it would interfere with walking... So i decided hey, i broke the flash hider off the XM8 by accident Sunday... this might fit now... Low and behold it did. and here's how it looks.
    Keep in mind this is a custom made silencer.

    It works pretty decently with it on. Probably decreases the range, but I can't tell right now because we've got 75+km/h winds right now...
  20. TheG0DFATHER489

    TheG0DFATHER489 Ancient
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    i was thinking about this when saberwing said this,

    anyone ever try hooking up one of those video cameras to there gun? i bet you could get some nice stills and vids from tht.

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